The journey from there to here
Published on March 22, 2005 By Gideon MacLeish In Politics

a. You support the slow starvation of a nonverbal brain injured human being and yet you condemn capital punishment of convicted murderers

b. You feel that the right to slowly starve said woman is a states rights issue, yet you feel that the federal government has not only a right, but a responsibility to dictate the terms of life in many other areas.

c. You believe that someone should speak up for the voiceless victims of oppression in third world countries yet anyone who does so for voiceless victims of oppression in the US is speaking out of turn.

d. You feel that polygamy is morally abhorrent and misogynistic, yet a man who abandoned his wife for another with whom he has had two children is still married to his brain injured wife and still represents her best interests.

Hypocrisy isn't the exclusive domain of the right, king

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on Mar 22, 2005

b. You feel that the right to slowly starve said woman is a states rights issue, yet you feel that the federal government has not only a right, but a responsibility to dictate the terms of life in many other areas.

Shouldn't that read 'ANY other areas'?

on Mar 22, 2005
Reply By: Dr. GuyPosted: Tuesday, March 22, 2005b. You feel that the right to slowly starve said woman is a states rights issue, yet you feel that the federal government has not only a right, but a responsibility to dictate the terms of life in many other areas.Shouldn't that read 'ANY other areas'?

yep "any" they support it's ok.
on Mar 22, 2005
Good stuff, Gid!!

- GX
on Mar 23, 2005
Hypocrisy isn't the exclusive domain of the right, king

of course it isn't. but that's the side of the aisle that's falling all over itself to use this tragedy as a way to scam the activists who put them in office. what have they accomplished? what did they think they'd accomplish?

the party's 'talking points' pretty much tell the story:

S. 529, The Incapacitated Person's Legal Protection Act

Teri (sic) Schiavo is subject to an order that her feeding tubes will be disconnected on March 18, 2005 at 1p.m.

The Senate needs to act this week, before the Budget Act is pending business, or Terri's family will not have a remedy in federal court.

This is an important moral issue and the pro-life base will be excited that the Senate is debating this important issue.

This is a great political issue,
because Senator Nelson of Florida has already refused to become a cosponsor and this is a tough issue for Democrats.

The bill is very limited and defines custody as "those parties authorized or directed by a court order to withdraw or withhold food, fluids, or medical treatment."

There is an exemption for a proceeding "which no party disputes, and the court finds, that the incapacitated person while having capacity, had executed a written advance directive valid under applicably law that clearly authorized the withholding or or (sic) withdrawl (sic) of food and fluids or medical treatment in the applicable circumstances."

Incapacitated persons are defined as those "presently incapable of making relevant decisions concerning the provision, withholding or withdrawl (sic) of food fluids or medical treatment under applicable state law."

This legislation ensures that individuals like Terri Schiavo are guaranteed the same legal protections as convicted murderers like Ted Bundy.

reread that a couple times and then try to tell me this was a mission of mercy.

you might also want to read the report of terri schiavo's guardian ad litem. be warned that it's long--of necessity. Link

jay wolfson (the gal who is on neither side since he was charged to speak for terri) reports michael schiavo was encouraged by the schindlers to date.
on Mar 23, 2005
of course it isn't. but that's the side of the aisle that's falling all over itself to use this tragedy as a way to scam the activists who put them in office. what have they accomplished? what did they think they'd accomplish?

Maybe, just Maybe, it is not a scam, but a deep underlying respect for life and dignity. Neither is present in your arguement. Nor is this really a left right issue.

it is about Death with dignity versus cruel and unusual punishment.

If you stop thinking of it as left right, you would be able to see that.
on Mar 23, 2005
Pretty good list Gid...

Here's a couple more:

You believe that death row murders have rights, but Terri Schiavo doesn't.

You cry over a dog starving to death and demand it of Terri Schiavo.
on Mar 23, 2005
Let me get this straight.

Liberals and the ACLU have no problem starving a woman to death.

However, they do have a problem with putting panties on the heads of terrorists, and they also have a problem with executing terrorists and criminals.
on Mar 23, 2005
As I've said, I do support letting her go in peace, I just don't approve of the method being used.

This was an excellent article, Gideon, and one that brings up many, many good points.
The Left will always politcize anything it doesn't agree with; it makes moral issues easier to handle for people who have such a weak moral copmpass.
on Mar 23, 2005
The Left will always politcize anything it doesn't agree with; it makes moral issues easier to handle for people who have such a weak moral copmpass.

are you truly unable to see the politicizing isnt being done by those on the right or the left (really on either side) but by a group of human vultures using the issue to scam the activists who put them in office?

nobody's happy with the method. why hasnt anyone addressed that before now? there's absolutely no reason it has to go this way. 6 months from now things will be back to business as usual. terri who?

what do you think was meant by this?

This is an important moral issue and the pro-life base will be excited that the Senate is debating this important issue.

This is a great political issue, because Senator Nelson of Florida has already refused to become a cosponsor and this is a tough issue for Democrats.

how many mentally retarded individuals have been executed by the states of texas and virginia?
on Mar 23, 2005
Maybe, just Maybe, it is not a scam, but a deep underlying respect for life and dignity. Neither is present in your arguement. Nor is this really a left right issue.

it is about Death with dignity versus cruel and unusual punishment.

If you stop thinking of it as left right, you would be able to see that.

the point of my article (the one to which gideon alludes in his title) was exactly that. nothing about that midnight session was even remotely 'right'--nor politically principled--for that matter.

i invite you as well to read the report of ms schiavo's guardian ad litem. this is by no means the cut-n-dry good vs evil matter it has been proclaimed to be the majority party in its talking paper.

on Mar 23, 2005

nothing about that midnight session was even remotely 'right'--nor politically principled--for that matter.

That point, kingbee,we can agree upon wholeheartedly. Regardless of your feelings on this issue,the congressional action was pretty ridiculous. But I still feel it has pointed out hypocrisies on BOTH sides of the fence, not just one (which is why I didn't refute your initial article).

on Mar 23, 2005
I don't think of it as a scam....that's just the Left's skewed take on it.
I think those Washingtonians involved (though I wish they wouldn't be) truly wish to save a life. Call me naive.
The Right is normally pro-life at any cost and this is just another gut-level reaction from that side.
The Left, in its usual paranoiac rage, sees it as yet another power grab by the GOP.
on Mar 23, 2005
When Democrats listen to the outrage of their constituants, they are "activists". When Republicans listen to the outrage of their constituants, they are being "political".

Anyone who thinks that the Democratic leadership doesn't think in terms of PR and votes is more brain-dead than Terri Schiavo. You can make that out to be "playing politics" all you like, but you are just making the glass half empty.

They are put there to react to our concerns. They don't go back if they don't. Is that playing politics, or is that doing their job?
on Mar 23, 2005
i invite you as well to read the report of ms schiavo's guardian ad litem. this is by no means the cut-n-dry good vs evil matter it has been proclaimed to be the majority party in its talking paper.

I would not believe spit that that particular scumbag said or alluded to.
on Mar 24, 2005
I would not believe spit that that particular scumbag said or alluded to

why doesnt that surprise me? since i highly doubt you have any idea whom this particular scumbag is...and being familiar with your reluctance to educate yourself...i took the 5 seconds required to locate his bio.

Jay Wolfson is Professor of Public Health and Medicine, Director of the Florida Health Information Center, Director of the Suncoast Center for Patient Safety at USF; Professor of Health Law at Stetson University College of Law; and Professor of Medicine at Florida State University.

He is the Co-Director of the Consortium for Law and Medicine, University of South Florida/Stetson University College of Law; was named by Congress as a member of the Medicare Competitive Pricing Review Committee through 2004, serves as Associate Director of the National Patient Safety Center of Inquiry, Veterans Health Administration, VISN 8, and served as a trustee, vice chair and chair of finance of Tampa General Hospital for 12 years.

Wolfson conducts research and writes about health care law, policy and finance, relationships between physicians and other health care provider/institutional interests, the role of employers in health cost management and health status promotion, and he is actively involved in the local, statewide and national processes of policy analysis, legislative advisement, and regulatory development/management. Wolfson holds a doctorate in public health from the University of Texas, a law degree from Stetson University College of Law, a master’s degree in public health from Indiana University, a master’s degree in history of thought from New York University, and an undergraduate degree in history from the University of Illinois.

now what was it you do again when youre not giving yourself apoplexy over the latest outrage worldweeklynewsdotnet dreamed up?
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