The journey from there to here
Published on March 22, 2005 By Gideon MacLeish In Politics

a. You support the slow starvation of a nonverbal brain injured human being and yet you condemn capital punishment of convicted murderers

b. You feel that the right to slowly starve said woman is a states rights issue, yet you feel that the federal government has not only a right, but a responsibility to dictate the terms of life in many other areas.

c. You believe that someone should speak up for the voiceless victims of oppression in third world countries yet anyone who does so for voiceless victims of oppression in the US is speaking out of turn.

d. You feel that polygamy is morally abhorrent and misogynistic, yet a man who abandoned his wife for another with whom he has had two children is still married to his brain injured wife and still represents her best interests.

Hypocrisy isn't the exclusive domain of the right, king

Comments (Page 2)
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on Mar 24, 2005
I would not believe spit that that particular scumbag said or alluded to

why doesnt that surprise me? since i highly doubt you have any idea whom this particular scumbag is...and being familiar with your reluctance to educate yourself...i took the 5 seconds required to locate his bio.

Jay Wolfson is Professor of Public Health and Medicine, Director of the Florida Health Information Center, Director of the Suncoast Center for Patient Safety at USF; Professor of Health Law at Stetson University College of Law; and Professor of Medicine at Florida State University.

He is the Co-Director of the Consortium for Law and Medicine, University of South Florida/Stetson University College of Law; was named by Congress as a member of the Medicare Competitive Pricing Review Committee through 2004, serves as Associate Director of the National Patient Safety Center of Inquiry, Veterans Health Administration, VISN 8, and served as a trustee, vice chair and chair of finance of Tampa General Hospital for 12 years.

Wolfson conducts research and writes about health care law, policy and finance, relationships between physicians and other health care provider/institutional interests, the role of employers in health cost management and health status promotion, and he is actively involved in the local, statewide and national processes of policy analysis, legislative advisement, and regulatory development/management. Wolfson holds a doctorate in public health from the University of Texas, a law degree from Stetson University College of Law, a master’s degree in public health from Indiana University, a master’s degree in history of thought from New York University, and an undergraduate degree in history from the University of Illinois.

now what was it you do again when youre not giving yourself apoplexy over the latest outrage worldweeklynewsdotnet dreamed up

Maybe you'd be better off reading a little more and typing less. *According* to the COURT, Michael Schaivo is her guardian. NOT Mr. Wolfson. And what do you do when your not using your brain for a hat rack? So what I said before I stand by!This is an excerpt from CNN:

Seven years ago, Schiavo's husband and her parents began a legal tug-of-war over whether to have her feeding tube removed and allow her to die. The case has drawn national attention and rallied activists on both sides of the right-to-die debate.


If Wolfson is her guardian like *you* claim then why are her parents and the scumbag having a legal battle? Also if wolfson was her guardian, scumbag would have NO say over whether Terri lives or dies. Wolfson would. Next time do a little better on your research.
on Mar 24, 2005
wolfson was appointed guardian ad litem for 30 days last winter by a judge of the 6th florida circuit to speak for ms schiavo. you're surely not gonna start questioning matters of fact? you never heard of a guardian ad litem? pull your nose outta the worldweeklynewsdotnet site and take off your foil helmet doc.
on Mar 24, 2005

THE TERRI SCHIAVO CASE continues to take dramatic twists and turns. Even as Michael Schiavo attempts to have Terri's Law declared unconstitutional, pursuant to the law's requirements, a judge has appointed a guardian ad litem--Professor Jay Wolfson, of the College of Public Health at the University of South Florida in Tampa--to represent Terri's interests.

There has been some confusion as to whether Wolfson replaces Terri's quasi-estranged husband Michael Schiavo as guardian of Terri's person. (I use the term "quasi-estranged" because Schiavo effectively shattered the sanctity their marriage years ago by entering a committed relationship with another woman and starting a family with her.) He does not. Wolfson's sole responsibilities are to determine whether Terri should be allowed a swallow test, whether she should be provided rehabilitation, and to write a report with his recommendations about these matters--all within 30 days. In the meantime, Schiavo remains fully in control over Terri' life and care (or the lack thereof)--with the exception that he cannot, for now, remove her tube-supplied food and water.

Nice try. Now try again!Link So Michael scumbag is STILL the defacto guardian!
on Mar 24, 2005
stop smokin so much crack doc. i never said he was in contol. you were the one calling wolfson a scumbag. better not go to texas...they might decide you were futile and boom boom out go da ad litems. oh. bush signed that texas bill into law.
on Mar 24, 2005
stop smokin so much crack doc. i never said he was in contol. you were the one calling wolfson a scumbag. better not go to texas...they might decide you were futile and boom boom out go da ad litems. oh. bush signed that texas bill into law.

WRONG! I was/ am still calling Michael the scumbag.

So Michael scumbag is STILL the defacto guardian!

If Wolfson is her guardian like *you* claim then why are her parents and the scumbag having a legal battle?

I missed the part where you said "ad litem" about Wolfson. Sorry.

on Mar 28, 2005

Just for the record, personal experience leaves me no respect for guardians ad litem. They serve the interests of the state, almost without exception. I watched in one case as a guardian ad litem attempted to usurp the authority of the guardian and of all of a client's caregivers by removing her from her home, where she had been as stable as she EVER had in her life (knowledge of her history would have shown that when the state tried moving her before, it met with DISASTER).

As a child and ward of the state, I had several guardians ad litem over the years. Not ONE of them spoke to me at any point except for short 5 minute discussions prior to court hearings.

So, frankly, I have about as much respect for these bozos as I have for public defenders.

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