I am amazed at how people can be roped in by statistics that, below their surface, mean far less than they're represented to mean, or, could, in fact, mean the opposite of the person's aim.
Take, for instance, the area of job creation. The best way to create more jobs is for people to have lower wages against the standard of living. There would be more artificial jobs in government "social services" positions due to larger caseloads, and a need to serve them, when families that had been making a decent wage find themselves in a position to need to apply for public assistance. There would be more lawn care jobs, more childcare jobs, more drycleaning jobs, as two and three income families pressed for time found themselves outsourcing menial tasks out of necessity. There would be need for a larger emergency services force as unsupervised children of these parents found themselves injured due to youthful stupidity, or involved in gang related activity. And there would be more jobs for prison workers due to a larger crime rate.
In short, folks...be careful what you ask for, you just may get it.