The journey from there to here
Published on April 13, 2008 By Gideon MacLeish In Politics

I've decided I'm grateful for the drawn out Democratic Primaries.

See, they've begun to show the DNC candidates as what they are. As Obama began amassing a lead in delegates and popular votes, the shrew in Hillary came out. At this point, I'm doubting there's anyone to the right of Mao who will vote for her. After all, they'll have Ralph Nader, who has FAR more respect among the left than Hillary EVER will. For that matter, he has more respect among the right and independents, for while we don't agree with all of his platform, Nader falls in the category of "true believer"; he is what he says he is, and that is pretty much the same as he has been for the last 30-40 years.

The problem is, with all of the attention focusing on Hillary, Obama quickly became the party's wunderkind, an all-things-to-all-people candidate whose accomplishments are topped only by the great Brian Boitano (if you can't get a good SP reference, I feel for you. I really do). Obama was going to singlehandedly end the mortgage crisis, put Americans back to work, and bring us to the land of milk and honey. Our modern day Moses was bulletproof, or so it seemed.

Even when his pastor and close friend was shown to be a racist on the level of Louis Farrakhan and David Duke, his shining armor deflected the arrows of the media. No, Obama was not to be undone by mere association.

Obama's Achilles heel, however, appeared to be exposed when he placed his foot firmly in his mouth and made a crack about the people of the heartland turning to religion and guns.

While it may soon be feasibly possible to win a presidential election without winning a single vote in the heartland, such is not currently the case. These same people that Obama wishes to write off as ignorant hicks clinging with one hand to the cross and the other to their Winchester happen to vote. And they vote in a greater percentage than the general population.

We are seeing a side of each of these candidates that we would never have seen had the primary election been quick and clean. Hillary Rodham Clinton will do more to SET BACK the cause of women's rights in America (think she'll appoint a number of women cabinet posts? Think again. She'll not want to be sharing that spotlight) by proving herself to be a manipulative, shrewd woman who is satisfied only by power. And Barak Obama is so out of touch with middle America that he will almost certainly have a sharply divided Congress, even among some of the members of his own party.

This election year more than any, I mourn the death of the great Frank Zappa. Somehow, I'm thinking he could have won this thing!

Comments (Page 3)
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on Apr 16, 2008
Cite a link proving beyond a shadow of a doubt that you have an IQ that reaches three figures or admit that you are mentally retarded.

There go those 3 fingers again! You really should stop talking about yourself that way.
on Apr 16, 2008
The_Politicocomment 29 You sir, are a liar.Cite a link proving beyond a shadow of a doubt that you have an IQ that reaches three figures or admit that you are mentally retarded.
Ah yes, the typical liberal response.  Get caught in a lie, so now you resort to insults.
You made a serious accusation, prove it!

You were the one who claimed that it never happened unless you have a link for it.
on Apr 16, 2008
You were the one who claimed that it never happened unless you have a link for it.

Bwhahahaha!  You claimed Bush had people arrested for having Kerry bumper stickers, you were challenged, and lost. 

I don't have to prove it didn't happen, you need to back up your accusations with documentation and facts.  Can you do that?  Of course you can't, so lets hear your excuses again.

on Apr 16, 2008
You claimed Bush had people arrested for having Kerry bumper stickers, you were challenged, and lost.

He cant keep his story straight. first he says hillary is doing it, then says I said it! I think he is too busy sucking his thumb to remember what he has said.
on Apr 16, 2008
first he says hillary is doing it

Except I never said that. But then again you have already admitted you lack the morals to let facts or reality get in the way of your libel.
on Apr 16, 2008

But then again you have already admitted you lack the morals to let facts or reality get in the way of your libel.

on Apr 16, 2008
You mean an overall better qualified candidate that republican hypocrites will libel and smear in every way possible while sycophantic rightwingers studiously avoid reality to justify the smears?

In that case, yes.

Except I never said that.


Like I said, learn to cover your tracks better.  
on Apr 16, 2008

Like I said, learn to cover your tracks better.

Then you will have no problem citing where I said that.

Oh but wait, you won't do that. you will sit and pout and snivel about how its unfair to demand you actually prove something.
on Apr 16, 2008
first he says hillary is doing it

Where did I say Hillary was doing it? PUT UP OR SHUT UP.
on Apr 16, 2008
Then you will have no problem citing where I said that.

RIF! I just did!   

This link may help you
on Apr 16, 2008
Oh Bush had people arrested as well and that is a matter of record, I simply don't have those off the top of my head.

Then provide documentation proving even one person was arrested FOR HAVING A JOHN KERRY BUMPER STICKER ON THEIR CAR.

All I ask is that you support your claim. That's it.

Unfortunately the local government was set up to basically allow abuses like this to continue. About two months later, I was in Cedar Rapids Iowa (the town this occurred) and I had a local Police Office threaten to arrest me for booing them for giving the exact same treatment to protesters during a Dick Cheney visit.

So, we've gone from the era of nonviolent resistance to the era of "I don't want to get my crocs scuffed so I'll shut up the minute you demand it".

When you and your friend complied, you effectively surrendered your rights.
on Apr 16, 2008
Cite a link proving beyond a shadow of a doubt that you have an IQ that reaches three figures or admit that you are mentally retarded.

(just for the record, not everyone with a two figure IQ is mentally retarded!)
on Apr 16, 2008
(just for the record, not everyone with a two figure IQ is mentally retarded!)

And not everyone who is MR has a 2 figure IQ.

I guess I should get out he PC Police on Wisefawn, aka TP, aka, The_Politico for being so insensitive and bigoted against our friends who are not high on the IQ scale. At least they are smarter than this bozo.
on Apr 16, 2008
I just did!

On what planet? It sure didn't occur on this one. Maybe whatever reality your braindead skull is from.
on Apr 17, 2008
On what planet? It sure didn't occur on this one. Maybe whatever reality your braindead skull is from.

RIF. Read it again. It is highlighted above. You know the quoted area. Please dont pretend stupidity. Stupidity is no excuse for losing an argument.
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