The journey from there to here
Published on April 13, 2008 By Gideon MacLeish In Politics

I've decided I'm grateful for the drawn out Democratic Primaries.

See, they've begun to show the DNC candidates as what they are. As Obama began amassing a lead in delegates and popular votes, the shrew in Hillary came out. At this point, I'm doubting there's anyone to the right of Mao who will vote for her. After all, they'll have Ralph Nader, who has FAR more respect among the left than Hillary EVER will. For that matter, he has more respect among the right and independents, for while we don't agree with all of his platform, Nader falls in the category of "true believer"; he is what he says he is, and that is pretty much the same as he has been for the last 30-40 years.

The problem is, with all of the attention focusing on Hillary, Obama quickly became the party's wunderkind, an all-things-to-all-people candidate whose accomplishments are topped only by the great Brian Boitano (if you can't get a good SP reference, I feel for you. I really do). Obama was going to singlehandedly end the mortgage crisis, put Americans back to work, and bring us to the land of milk and honey. Our modern day Moses was bulletproof, or so it seemed.

Even when his pastor and close friend was shown to be a racist on the level of Louis Farrakhan and David Duke, his shining armor deflected the arrows of the media. No, Obama was not to be undone by mere association.

Obama's Achilles heel, however, appeared to be exposed when he placed his foot firmly in his mouth and made a crack about the people of the heartland turning to religion and guns.

While it may soon be feasibly possible to win a presidential election without winning a single vote in the heartland, such is not currently the case. These same people that Obama wishes to write off as ignorant hicks clinging with one hand to the cross and the other to their Winchester happen to vote. And they vote in a greater percentage than the general population.

We are seeing a side of each of these candidates that we would never have seen had the primary election been quick and clean. Hillary Rodham Clinton will do more to SET BACK the cause of women's rights in America (think she'll appoint a number of women cabinet posts? Think again. She'll not want to be sharing that spotlight) by proving herself to be a manipulative, shrewd woman who is satisfied only by power. And Barak Obama is so out of touch with middle America that he will almost certainly have a sharply divided Congress, even among some of the members of his own party.

This election year more than any, I mourn the death of the great Frank Zappa. Somehow, I'm thinking he could have won this thing!

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on Apr 13, 2008

Obama is '08's version of John Kerry.


on Apr 14, 2008
It is good that they are being so truthful early on. It will not change a single vote from the left, but then the left and the right do not elect presidents. The center does.

There are a lot of Willie Horton's out there this year. And so far, only Hillary, Bill and Barak have talked about them.
on Apr 14, 2008
when taken as whole, it seems to me obama isn't writing off anyone.

he is, however, making it clear who has been writing them off (and who continues to do so even now):

"You go into these small towns in Pennsylvania and, like a lot of small towns in the Midwest, the jobs have been gone now for 25 years and nothing's replaced them.And they fell through the Clinton Administration, and the Bush Administration, and each successive administration has said that somehow these communities are gonna regenerate and they have not."

admittedly he neglected to mention the nixon and reagan administrations--during which the process was initiated and then accellerated.

if anyone's outta touch here, its those who blithely reminisce about blue-collar fathers taking them on annual two- or three-week family vacations (something not at all uncommon 50 years ago) while pretending it's something still available to the majority of american workers' families...especially those in which only one parent works.

on Apr 14, 2008
I mourn the death of the great Frank Zap

don't mourn too much.

i hadda retrieve property worth over $10,000 custom made for use in a joint project involving zappa and an admiring patron (at his request) but never intended to him to keep. he was far and away the most arrogant, greedy and morally corrupt b-list celebrity with whom i hadda deal.
on Apr 14, 2008
I mourn the death of the great Frank Zappa

don't mourn too much.

i hadda retrieve property worth over $10,000 custom made for use in a joint project involving zappa and an admiring patron (at his request) but never intended to him to keep. he was far and away the most arrogant, greedy and morally corrupt b-list celebrity with whom i hadda deal.

(jeez--another damn duplicate??? please delete the previous one in which i truncated zappa's name)
on Apr 14, 2008
admittedly he neglected to mention the nixon and reagan administrations--during which the process was initiated and then accellerated.

During which the whole time congress, and the purse strings, were run by democrats.
on Apr 14, 2008
congress, and the purse strings, were run by democrats

irresponsible deregulation, union busting and foolishly encouraging outsourcing of america's precious basic industry by making it more profitable to opt out than retool are the sorry legacy of bust-out executive branch economic policy.
on Apr 15, 2008
irresponsible deregulation, union busting and foolishly encouraging outsourcing of america's precious basic industry by making it more profitable to opt out than retool are the sorry legacy of bust-out executive branch economic policy.

Laws passed, and policies followed by a democrat congress (sometimes with a veto proof majority).........
on Apr 15, 2008
Obama is '08's version of John Kerry.

You mean an overall better qualified candidate that republican hypocrites will libel and smear in every way possible while sycophantic rightwingers studiously avoid reality to justify the smears?

In that case, yes.
on Apr 15, 2008

You mean an overall better qualified candidate that republican hypocrites will libel and smear in every way possible while sycophantic rightwingers studiously avoid reality to justify the smears?

No, I mean another liberal democrat who thinks Americans are too stupid to take of themselves.  If you think "rightwinters" are the only ones in the smear department, you need to get out of the Obama cult more often.

on Apr 15, 2008
You mean an overall better qualified candidate that republican hypocrites will libel and smear in every way possible while sycophantic rightwingers studiously avoid reality to justify the smears?

In that case, yes.

Last I checked, Hillary is not republican. Neither is Bill for that matter.

Dont you just love the contortions of the left in this matter?   
on Apr 15, 2008
That's why you have REPUBLICANS like Jack Kingston being caught lying about Barack Obama. Thats why you have Republicans trying to act offended that Obama isn't wearing a flag pin while THEY ARENT WEARING ONE EITHER.

Thats why Republicans are lying about Obama taking the oath of office on the Koran.
Thats why you have Republicans sniveling and crying about Reverent Wright while "forgetting" the comments of McSame's minister calling the Catholic Church "the great whore."
on Apr 15, 2008
You mean an overall better qualified candidate that republican hypocrites will libel and smear in every way possible while sycophantic rightwingers studiously avoid reality to justify the smears?
No, I mean another liberal democrat who thinks Americans are too stupid to take of themselves.  If you think "rightwinters" are the only ones in the smear department, you need to get out of the Obama cult more often.

I love rightwingers who supported a guy who demanded loyalty oaths to even see him speak now have the AUDACITY to claim that another campaign is a "cult".
on Apr 15, 2008

Thats why you have Republicans sniveling and crying about Reverent Wright while "forgetting" the comments of McSame's minister calling the Catholic Church "the great whore."

I didn't forget.  I just think Wright's anti-American and racists comments are more important and more telling about Obama and his followers. 

I love rightwingers who supported a guy who demanded loyalty oaths to even see him speak now have the AUDACITY to claim that another campaign is a "cult".

I have no idea about your loyalty oaths, and really don't care.  Obama is a cult leader, plain and simple.  99% of the people who "support" him can't even name one accomplishment.  LOL!

on Apr 15, 2008
Wright's anti-American and racists comments

Pop quiz, who was wright QUOTING WORD FOR WORD when he said that America's Chickens were "coming home to roost"?

What political party is the person he was quoting?

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