Another blogger (let's call this blogger "Darcie Doo") asked about surrogate parenting. The question, for mothers, is if they would do it given the opportunity. "Darcie Doo" went on to say what a beautiful thing children are and what a blessing.
Now, considering less than 24 hours prior, this individual had suggested that we should not have had some of ours, and insinuated that we neglect them, I find this statement absolutely astonishing. Apparently children are beautiful only if you make $100k a year and drive fancy cars. Because God knows, second hand clothes and beans and rice are neglect (the part about the beans and rice was almost directly said by this individual).
Now, I happen to know this individual considers themselves a good, faithful Christian. If you don't believe me, just ask this individual. Now, I may be reading my Bible wrong, but somehow it seems to me there's a few verses on "love" in there. Love this person can muster for a cat, love they can muster for someone else's children (to the point of dictating to parents how said children should be raised), but love they are seemingly incapable of raising for someone who happens to have a large family.
But this individual is not alone in their hypocrisy. Oh no. In fact, in the VAST MAJORITY of "Christian" churches I have attended (most of them composed of people predominantly anti abortion), I have found only a small minority accepting of our large family. In fact, the only denominations I have found that have consistently been accepting of our large family have been the Catholics, the Mormons, and the Mennonites. Well, we're not Catholic, not Mormon, and the nearest Mennonite fellowship is over an hour away. So we're kinda outta the loop there.
I am tired of Christians who talk about how life is a blessing but don't support life. Who tell the ghetto crackwhore she can't abort her baby, but who don't support the idea of helping people like that to better their lives so they won't feel so damned desperate. Who look down on families with many children, and even accuse them of neglect because they don't live to the standard these Pharisees have deemed acceptable.
I love my children, each and every one of them. And if this individual cannot see where I was offended, then truly they DO have some sort of mental illness. They attacked my family, and when they did that, I feel I was totally within my boundaries to respond in kind. Truly, I hope this individual's teaching career is short. The children of America do not NEED judgmental hypocrites like that teaching their kids.
I would have kept it on this individual's thread, but I was invited off of it. So I'm going to respond somewhere.