OK, this will be my final word on "the subject". I'll move on from here. But there's one thing more that needs to be said, and it needs to be said in front of all of you.
First of all, this is not an apology. I don't feel I have anything to apologize for. Nor do I feel Sabrina or Simon have anything to apologize for. We said what we said, and we are who we are. What resulted from the recent conflict was simply a byproduct of who Sabrina is, and she should be proud of that, at least. During her time here, she was always a polarizing figure, and she always will be that person, just somewhere else. The reaction to her leaving was no exception. Sabrina brought out the best of us and the worst of us at the same time, and the results were sometimes amusing, sometimes alarming. She was who she was, and in being so, taught a lot of us to be who we are without apology. There's too little of that in the world.
I disagree with a lot of what she said. And I probably won't change in that regard. But that doesn't change my appreciation and respect for who she is. It's always tumultuous when someone moves on, but we'll get over it. We always have and always will.
But in all of this conflict, I forgot my manners. I forgot to say goodbye, and that is, perhaps, all that needed to be said.
Goodbye, Sabrina. We WILL miss you!