The journey from there to here
Published on January 26, 2006 By Gideon MacLeish In Current Events

Well, Richard Hatch, it appears, is going to prison (don't expect 13 years...without going too far off topic, I'll just explain that all things aren't as they seem when the media presents sentencing possibilities). But I found something very compelling in the media coverage of his trial.

When Hatch was on "Survivor", we knew he was gay. He revealed the fact early on. But it never seemed that he was trying to "act" gay. It was part of who he was, we accepted it, he never made a big point of it.

But during the trial, he suddenly affected a lisp I had never heard before. I kept expecting him to add the word "girlfriend" after half his words. It was a fairly low key lisp, but it was present nonetheless.

This begs the question: why the need to "act" gay? I don't care what you do behind closed doors, and honestly, in the long run, even the gay "acting" with the lisp and all won't affect anything. But I find it peculiar, to say the least, that an individual who had never before affected those sorts of effeminate qualities would do so now. I have to wonder if this is under the advice of his lawyers and a notion that somehow the jury will see him in a more sympathetic light if he plays up his sexual preferences. Or maybe (on a slightly more warped note), it's just a highly publicized personal ad for one of the cellies that might someday make Hatch his b****.

on Jan 26, 2006
I didn't see or hear any of the trial but I might have to check it out now.  That is really strange.  Sounds like a sympathy ploy to me.  I know what you mean about the 13yrs too.  I personally wouldn't want to spend any amount of time in jail.  The whole thing seems bizarre.  The whole country knows he won that money.  What was he thinking?!
on Jan 26, 2006
I did not know he was gay.  But then I dont watch Survivor or any other reality show either.  And I did not follow his trial.  I figure he was just like Jilluser's article described him as.  A Dumbass.
on Jan 26, 2006
Sounds like a sympathy ploy to me.

Yep, me too. He outed himself like fifteen times an episode on Survivor, and now he's relegated to post-15-minutes-hood. I guess he thought people would remember him if he started displaying his Survivor characteristics.

Maybe he'll show up for a press conference naked with a fishing spear like last time I saw him.

on Jan 26, 2006
This isn't the same Richard Hatch from the old show "Emergency", is it?
on Jan 26, 2006
Reply By: IƧonoƧlastPosted: Thursday, January 26, 2006This isn't the same Richard Hatch from the old show "Emergency", is it?

nope, this richard hatch is not an actor.

I wonder if the guys in the yard will call him, richdick. heh heh heh
on Jan 26, 2006
wonder if the guys in the yard will call him, richdick. heh heh heh

Down the Hatch.
on Jan 26, 2006
I wonder if the guys in the yard will call him, richdick. heh heh heh

Nope... they'll call him a catcher anytime their inclined.
on Jan 26, 2006

Down the Hatch.


That is a double groaner!

on Jan 26, 2006
That is a double groaner!

I second that double groan and add Ewwwwww!