The journey from there to here
Published on January 24, 2006 By Gideon MacLeish In Current Events

Our "on again/off again" TV access if off again, our antenna having fallen (I tied the wires too losely, I think). And it has been so for over a month. It's one of those interesting quandaries of life: when I have TV, I watch it too much, when I don't have it, I miss it far less than I would think.

But I DO miss certain programs. I have not gotten to watch a single episode of "24". EVER. And from everything I have heard, it sounds like a show I would like. No Simpsons, no football (MNF's jump to cable has me almost willing to break the bank to pay far too much for far too little quality programming). The program I personally miss most, though, is "Numbers". I'm hoping that one starts the jump to DVD soon.

But for every "Numbers", there's a "Desperate Housewives" in a time slot where NOTHING on the network appeals to me and when, defying all logic and intellect, I often feel too compelled to have the TV on. And, in the absence of TV, I read a lot more. And that can only be a  good thing.

So, while I admit I miss it, I may hold out on TV a bit longer. My brain may someday thank me for it.

on Jan 24, 2006
I went a couple of years with no TV twice.  I did not really miss it.  I dont now, but we have them (for my wife and kids mostly).  More power to you.
on Jan 24, 2006
I think there are generally two types of people: those who enjoy the background noise of television and those that prefer music or silence.

My husband likes the TV on. He has to have sound in the background. I find it distracting...and if the TV is on, I'll end up watching it, and of course, TV tells me what interesting thing is going to be on tomorrow or next week, and then since I know about the show I HAVE to watch it.

We didn't have cable TV when we were first married, and we survived. My husband didn't like it, haha, but I didn't feel like I was missing much, and I found that I got a lot more accomplished.

I have a few shows I like to watch, but when Adrian was deployed I very, very, very rarely even turned the TV on. The computer's a different story, though, haha.
on Jan 24, 2006
Your brain may thank you for it but your wallet may hate you for spending on books! ! Just Kidding! Hey we should all have a manditory break from the television.
on Jan 25, 2006
I know what you mean. My first couple years of college, I pretty much never turned on the TV at all. Last year, I had roommates that were always addicted to one show or another so I'd watch it with them when I was home, but nothing weekly. This year, I have more time on my hand, and I think I'm addicted to like 5 different shows. We have HBO On Demand which makes it even harder to get away. You nailed it perfectly, though. When you have it, you become addicted, but when you don't, you don't really care. It might also be because when you aren't watching it even if you do have it, it's usually because you're just busier and have other things to tend to.