Like the much misunderstood underpants gnomes:
I, too, have a comprehensive plan for 2006. Although I detailed some of it in a little read article, I have been working for its implementations. My three step plan is as follows:
Step 1: Establish domain name
Step 2: ?
Step 3: Profit!
I am pleased to announce that I have completed step 1. I have secured the domain name . While I have not actually DONE anything on the site yet, I hope to gradually work to establish my presence on the internet. Once I have a book published, for instance, it will be available there, and I hope by this time next year to have podcasts available on at least a weekly basis (note to musicians: I would be willing to consider using some of your original work on my show, with permission and full credit, so that I don't have to give too much lucre to the ASCAP pirates to produce a quality product). Stay tune, as I am hard at work on Step 2.