We don't get a whole lot of commentary on here from the left, but when we do, it is often self parodying. Take, for instance, my recent arguments on feminism vs. female supremacy. I was called to task for allegedly only supporting "feminism" when it conforms to MY standards of female behaviour (which showed, sadly, that the individual in question didn't read the article through in context).
The reason I find that interesting is putting things in proper perspective. My wife, for instance, does not drive. Believe me, I wish she WOULD drive. It would make certain things EXPONENTIALLY easier for me. And I look forward eagerly to the time when my oldest drives because of the benefits that come about from having a second driver in the house.
The "female supremacist" perspective; however, does not allow for that. Because my wife does not drive by her own CHOICE, she is less than a full woman, she is dirt in their eyes. And I am a chauvinist pig for supporting her choice.
I have TRIED to help my wife drive. I purchased a car for her at one point, so that she have a vehicle a little less intimidating. Two trips to the park to attempt to drive were pretty much the end of the attempt to drive, and the car was eventually sold because it wasn't being used and was an unnecessary insurance expense. I eventually realized that a marriage built around changing someone is a marriage that's DESTINED to fail.
And so, because I accept my wife's values, I'm branded a bigot by the "enlightened" left. And yet, what would they think of me if I attempted to force my wife to drive, and DEMANDED that she get a job? Believe me, their judgements would be much harsher.
I find it compelling that when I don't embrace a positively open attitude towards lifestyle choices that conflict with my religious principles, I'm accused of not respecting diversity. Yet when I choose to live my life in a way that's away from the norm, when I choose and marry a woman with similar values, somehow the same group of individuals is quick to cast aspersions on our point of view as not being "good enough", and to accuse me of bigotry.
In short, someone's being intolerant here. And I really DON'T believe it's me.