On a personal level, I absolutely, completely detest abortion. That is my personal philosophy, and there's really nothing you can do to change that. But politically I hold to the Libertarian position, which is predominantly pro-choice (although there is strong debate on that subject within the party, that's not the topic of this particular article). While those positions may appear to be inconsistent, they are not, and I hope to use this article to help you understand why.
See, the first part of my belief hinges on my firm belief that you can't legislate morality past the basic laws for domestic tranquility. While I detest abortion, that is not a universally held philosophy, and in our society, the majority dictate the laws upon which this country is based, at least in theory.
Assuming we're going to live in a society where abortion is legal, which is the reality in which we currently live, what is the best possible scenario for someone who opposes abortion? In my mind, the best possible scenario would be that my tax dollars NOT be spent providing abortion...basically removing ALL government funding for the abortions. If you take the federal tax dollars (yes...INCLUDING Medicaid...if NARAL wants poor families to have abortions, let them hold bake sales to pay for it), OUT of the abortion industry, the simple laws of economics would cause it to dry up. This was the case in the Texas Panhandle, where reduction in funding to Planned Parenthood has led to the closure of another of its clinics in the area.
In short, I want tax dollars to be applied for the COMMON good, and not for the desires of a selfish woman who put her own carnal desires above potential consequences. I realize there will always be evil in this world...I just ask that that evil not be paid for out of MY pocket.