The journey from there to here

On a personal level, I absolutely, completely detest abortion. That is my personal philosophy, and there's really nothing you can do to change that. But politically I hold to the Libertarian position, which is predominantly pro-choice (although there is strong debate on that subject within the party, that's not the topic of this particular article). While those positions may appear to be inconsistent, they are not, and I hope to use this article to help you understand why.

See, the first part of my belief hinges on my firm belief that you can't legislate morality past the basic laws for domestic tranquility. While I detest abortion, that is not a universally held philosophy, and in our society, the majority dictate the laws upon which this country is based, at least in theory.

Assuming we're going to live in a society where abortion is legal, which is the reality in which we currently live, what is the best possible scenario for someone who opposes abortion? In my mind, the best possible scenario would be that my tax dollars NOT be spent providing abortion...basically removing ALL government funding for the abortions. If you take the federal tax dollars (yes...INCLUDING Medicaid...if NARAL wants poor families to have abortions, let them hold bake sales to pay for it), OUT of the abortion industry, the simple laws of economics would cause it to dry up. This was the case in the Texas Panhandle, where reduction in funding to Planned Parenthood has led to the closure of another of its clinics in the area.

In short, I want tax dollars to be applied for the COMMON good, and not for the desires of a selfish woman who put her own carnal desires above potential consequences. I realize there will always be evil in this world...I just ask that that evil not be paid for out of MY pocket.

Comments (Page 1)
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on Dec 28, 2005

I cant help thinking I may have inspired this!  If so, not a problem!  Indeed I am honored.

But on the subject of abortion.  I respect your views, but if abortion is murder, as I believe, then there is no legislating morality.  There is just the issue of murder.

But I do realize and accept that my view is not the law of the land or universally accepted.  I mourn for every death, but until my view is accepted as the law of the land, I will not be in anyone's face calling them baby killers.  I will say prayers for the babies, but I am not going to attack their psyche since evidently, they do not believe they committed murder.  And that is a very harsh stigma to live with.  They have their own problems, and I hope and pray they come to grips with them.  And then grow.  Some will, some never will.

But that is me.  I cannot accept abortion, just as you cannot accept murder.  But as long as it is legal, I will not be calling anyone baby killer.  For if they do not believe as I do, they dont think they are, and I cant either.  Just misguided.

on Dec 28, 2005
I agree that Govt money should not be used to pay for abortion. I have not made up my mind about the issue of abortion yet. I don't like the idea of people abusing the the idea that they can have sex without caring they get pregnant or not because the Govt will pay for the abortion, if legal. But then I don't like the idea of a child being brought to this world and neglected by the parent, taking in by our Govt then placed in a foster home till he/she is adopted (not always the case) and possible by a family who might seem caring but in turn should have not been the best choice for the childs new parents (not always the case but does happen).

I'm split over the idea. Can't have your cake and eat it to as they say. I will have to weigh out the pros and cons and make a decision someday.
on Dec 28, 2005
politically I hold to the Libertarian position, which is predominantly pro-life

Gid, this looks like a typo.
on Dec 28, 2005

But on the subject of abortion. I respect your views, but if abortion is murder, as I believe, then there is no legislating morality. There is just the issue of murder.


In a perfect world, that would be so. But the fact is, we don't live in a perfect world, and for every scientist we can produce to say that life begins at conception, the opposition can produce ten that say it doesn't begin until the sixth month. That's a sad but true fact we have to deal with in addressing the abortion question in the imperfect world in which we live.

And, yes, this was an answer to your comment on Brad's thread. I posted it here because I didn't want to hijack Brad's thread unnecessarily.

on Dec 28, 2005

Gid, this looks like a typo.

Noted and corrected. Thanks for the catch.

on Dec 28, 2005
It's my belief that women--like all people--absolutely have the right to do whatever they want with their own bodies (within broad limits; let's save the debate over the war on drugs for some other time).

My problem with abortion is that it's only a question of a woman's right to choose if there's no other people involved. I'm just not convinced that there's no other person involved, and I'm concerned that the so-called "pro-choice" faction is defining humanity out of political expedience and ethical convenience, rather than with proper care and attention to the larger implication and the future impacts of their philosophy.
on Dec 28, 2005

and I'm concerned that the so-called "pro-choice" faction is defining humanity out of political expedience and ethical convenience, rather than with proper care and attention to the larger implication and the future impacts of their philosophy.

VERY worthy of an insightful, stute!

on Dec 28, 2005

In a perfect world, that would be so.

Indeed!  That is why I am not an "in your face" anti abortion person.  See my point?

on Dec 28, 2005

politically I hold to the Libertarian position, which is predominantly pro-life

Gid, this looks like a typo.

I prefer a freudian slip!

But I did understand.

on Dec 28, 2005

Indeed! That is why I am not an "in your face" anti abortion person. See my point?

Oh, I DO see your point, definitely. I just pray that MY point is proper in the eyes of God.

on Dec 28, 2005
good article....agree totally. Tho I wish we could put abortion in the "murder" category but it's just don't get me involved by paying for somebody else's responsibility.
on Dec 28, 2005

Oh, I DO see your point, definitely. I just pray that MY point is proper in the eyes of God.

Amen for that.

on Dec 28, 2005
"While I detest abortion, that is not a universally held philosophy, and in our society, the majority dictate the laws upon which this country is based, at least in theory."[/quote

I agree. So let's put it to a vote, or at least allow it to be legislated, instead of declared a "right" by God Emperor Court.
on Dec 28, 2005
The anti-abortion argument at it's core is a religious moral value and the government should not be legislating religious morality. While abortion is never a good thing, forcing a woman to have a child she doesn't want, can't care for, or that endangers her health is even worse. The moral consideration ultimately must come from the pregnant woman and her husband, if she has one.
on Dec 28, 2005
I agree. So let's put it to a vote, or at least allow it to be legislated, instead of declared a "right" by God Emperor Court.

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