The journey from there to here
Published on December 28, 2005 By Gideon MacLeish In Current Events

Thanks to shovelheat for the inspiration (Link , he has the link on his article), I wrote a letter to my future. I decided to print the text below:

Dear FutureMe,

You are a schmuck. While you could have spent productive time working to make the world a better place, your past self has been engaged in futile exercises such as writing emails to himself in the future. I wouldn't be surpirsed if you're reading this as you're mired on the couch with a pint of Haagen Daazs and watching the latest reality show while desperately trying to play an aesthetically pleasing version of "pastures of plenty" on a zither.

I hope the world's a better place, but I imagine you're living under the shadow of Emperor Clinton while desperately hoping that your four daughters, the oldest two of which are firmly entrenched in adolescence, do not look upon her as a role model.

And, by the way, if "You-know-who's" still in town, go over to his house and kick him for me, will ya?


Yourself from five years ago

on Dec 28, 2005
Great one!  Thanks for the laugh!  Hopefully, Empress Clinton is just a fart in a mud puddle!
on Dec 28, 2005
! I can't get over this Gid, now go put it in one of those vessels and bury it so you can dig it up in the future! Don't forget to leave instructions on where to find it! ROFL!
on Dec 28, 2005

Ok, I've gotta know who "you know who" is----if that person happens to be the one who turned you in.  I promise nothing will come of you telling me on either side, I'm just unbelievably curious. 

Email me  (Tenille's little sister (or Tex's friends little sister))
