The journey from there to here
Published on December 22, 2005 By Gideon MacLeish In Current Events

There's a lot of hoopla about the federal government's "cuts" of food stamps, Medicare, etc. In fact, my very soul was threatened with damnation by a certain "Colonel" who is apparently also a clergy with a direct line to God. But the hoopla ignores the facts.

First off, these cuts aren't "cuts", but reductions in INCREASE. Ironically, the same entity that is blasting these cuts has been blasting away at our burgeoning national debt. Fiscal responsibility demands that if we're to look at reducing our national debt, we need to look at ALL areas where we can reduce, even when those areas happen to include our pet projects. There simply isn't enough money to make this country into a welfare state, without SEVERELY taxing the upper class and removing completely all incentive for achievement.

The most compelling reason to cut food stamps (even though, once again, this is not an actual CUT) is not because of the national debt, however. The reason to cut food stamps is because we're giving away FAR TOO MUCH to families. That's right; the reason you see welfare moms buying TBone steaks with food stamps is because they simply can't spend down all of the money the government allots them without spending it extravagantly.

During the six months we received food stamps, we were receiving an obscene amount of money. I won't tell you how much, but I will tell you that we had food in our cupboard in storage for several months after the six month time period during which we received food stamps. Because we are frugal and spend wisely, spending all that we had meant that we could barely find space to PUT all the food in some cases.

Programs that help the poor shouldn't be part of the government, in my opinion. But when and if they are, they should be as barebones as possible, to encourage thriftiness. After all, as several others on this site have pointed out, being poor shouldn't be comfortable. If poverty becomes comfortable, then there's no reason to improve your lot.

Comments (Page 1)
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on Dec 22, 2005
The Democrats buy votes by keeping food stamps and welfare payments high.
They threaten the poor with hyperbole and rhetoric like "That man will cut your benefits! That man will kick you off welfare! I will keep those welfare checks coming in and keep food on your table."
Just out-and-out vote whoring.
on Dec 22, 2005
Ah, but as we've recently learned from the French, making poverty uncomfortable doesn't actually promote achievement. It just makes the poor riot until they get comfortable poverty. At the expense of the achievers, naturally.
on Dec 22, 2005

I am reminded of Isabel, when the USDA was trying to give away Food Stamps!  They were fricking advertising on the radio!  But the catch was you still had to qualify, altho like with Katrina, they waived a bunch of red tape in order to expedite giving away money.

500 people lost thier job due to taking up the offer, and not being qualified.

on Dec 23, 2005
Programs that help the poor shouldn't be part of the government, in my opinion. But when and if they are, they should be as barebones as possible, to encourage thriftiness. After all, as several others on this site have pointed out, being poor shouldn't be comfortable. If poverty becomes comfortable, then there's no reason to improve your lot. Nor should wealth become over indulgent--like $700,000 watches and ten million dollar birthday party at the Rainbow Grill atop Rockefeller Plaza. That said, I agree that sloppy distribution methods should be tightened up to insure the food goes to those most in need, coupled with periodic inspection of your overstocked cabinets.
on Dec 23, 2005
Nor should wealth become over indulgent--like $700,000 watches and ten million dollar birthday party at the Rainbow Grill atop Rockefeller Plaza.

Umm, I don't agree. If your wealth is self made, no one should tell you how to spend it. The point of having more money is to get better things. If not then there should be a limit as to how much money anyone can have, that way either we all have the same amount with the same comforts, or we are all poor. Not likely.

Programs that help the poor shouldn't be part of the government, in my opinion. But when and if they are, they should be as barebones as possible, to encourage thriftiness. After all, as several others on this site have pointed out, being poor shouldn't be comfortable. If poverty becomes comfortable, then there's no reason to improve your lot.

Agree totally.
on Dec 23, 2005
Response # 6 prime example of the greed that grips the conservatives in this country. What a sad excuse for humanity you people are.
on Dec 23, 2005
"You're gonna end up eating a steady diet of government cheese, and living in a van down by the river!"

-----Matt Foley: Motivational Speaker

on Dec 23, 2005
Response # 6 prime example of the greed that grips the conservatives in this country. What a sad excuse for humanity you people are.

How dare you. You don't know me, you know nothing of me. There is not a greedy bone in my body. I am the first to sacrifise my lunch to give it to someone who has nothing to eat. All my life I have put my family before me. I have always been the one to help those who need it. 85% of the time I have given money to those who wait at red lights even though they might not use ti to eat, but I can only hope and pray they do.

Next time you want to pick on someone to make one of your stupid points, make sure you know more about them.

The only sad person here is you. Not even those who are on the Liberal or Democratic side can side with you cause your mouth runs like a stone down hill, it never stops and all it does is spin. It wont even pick up moss.

Once again I resort to name calling. Your a jack ass, sorry excuse for a human.
on Dec 23, 2005
That doesn't mean that people should get free money just because they need it. I have earned everything I own, I have worked for what I have. If I can do it so can they. Unless they are handicaped or of age, they can do just as good or better. Being poor is just an excuse to get free money. But what would you know, chances are you don't even know what it is to be poor and if you do then you really have a twisted way of trying to help them by making them more dependent of the Govt than themselves.
on Dec 24, 2005
I'm posting this as a 27 year old woman with diagnosed paranoid schizophrenia, borderline personality disorder, and clinical depression. I have been in psychotherapy since I was 12 years old and am currently on a combination of several anti-psychotics and anti-depressants, and will have to be for my entire life. My condition is not curable, and thus far, science has no explanation for why schizophrenia occurs or how to fix it.

I am on food stamps. I have medicaid. You want to know why that is? Cause every time I get a job, I get very strong homicidal or suicidal tendencies. I cannot socialize. Everytime I am around people in real life, I panic. I hear voices, things get very uncomfortable, and I want to kill the other person or myself. I am 2 steps shy of being Hannibal Lector or Norman Bates.

Now with that in mind, I would like to hear your genius solution to this problem. Are you saying that I should be cut off of foodstamps and medicaid? Then how would I get my medicines that I need? How would I eat? My Grandmother pays all my bills for me, and always has. She pretty much still has custody of me. She is a 70 year old lady on a pension, and can only afford so much. She has paid for countless hospitalizations for me.

"Without Severely Taxing the Upper Class" - you know what? I would just love to have an income of over $500 a year. People with $100,000 a year really don't have my freaking sympathy.

You, my friend, are a complete idiot. Worse, you are an cynical idiot who doesn't take into account those of us out here that would literally end up homeless without government aid. It's not that we WON'T get a job, its that we can't. People like you make me hate the world.
on Dec 26, 2005

I was commenting on your post. It is great you provide for your family. There are however, millions that can only get a job that does not allow them to live. There are millions that CAN NOT work too old, poor health or disabled. You choice ignore many of these people as non government help DOES NOT COME CLOSE TO FILLING THE NEED! We need to encourage people who CAN to help them selves to the extent they are able. We also need to understand that there are millions that can not. Remember the Bush Speech in New Orleans 10 days after Katrina? They have been ignored for the most part and no combination of non government aid will meet this need!
on Dec 26, 2005

You, my friend, are a complete idiot. Worse, you are an cynical idiot who doesn't take into account those of us out here that would literally end up homeless without government aid. It's not that we WON'T get a job, its that we can't. People like you make me hate the world.

It would be best for you to get to know the man a little more.  Then, maybe he will accept your appology.

on Dec 27, 2005

Look at the conditions in LA, Texas and MO after the storms. These storms have unmasked conditions you would only expect to see in third world countries. Ten days after Katrina even Bush admitted the extent of the poverty. What are we doing to help? Cutting Food Stamps, Medicaid and help for our young to go to college. At the same time we gave the oil industry another $12 Billion and cut taxes for the wealthy by another $90 Billion.
on Dec 27, 2005

I am on food stamps. I have medicaid. You want to know why that is? Cause every time I get a job, I get very strong homicidal or suicidal tendencies. I cannot socialize. Everytime I am around people in real life, I panic. I hear voices, things get very uncomfortable, and I want to kill the other person or myself. I am 2 steps shy of being Hannibal Lector or Norman Bates.

That is very sad.

But I don't see why it is your fellow Americans' fault or responsibility. They do not owe you a comfortable life.

Now, I am not against a welfare system for the ill or disabled. You are not the people who could work but don't.

However, you seem to believe that you are not, in fact, a receiver of aid that other people donate and that government administers, but instead someone who has a right to other people's wealth and who becomes very angry when they don't give it up.

Have you ever considered the reality that you do indeed, rightly or wrongly, live off other people's labour and that they do not, by the laws of nature, owe you anything at all, that they merely support you because they believe it is the right thing to do? Do they not deserve your thanks for believing in something other than egoism, in something that hurts them (financially) and helps you (live)?

You can't get a job for health reasons. But that doesn't make you privileged. It doesn't change your rights at all. You are still responsible for your own upkeep. The fact that you cannot support yourself without help is not a licence to demand from others, it is a reason for others to give. And they do.

And you should thank G-d and them that they do.

For they do it because they believe it is the right thing, not because they are convinced that they must serve you.
on Dec 27, 2005

You, my friend, are a complete idiot. Worse, you are an cynical idiot who doesn't take into account those of us out here that would literally end up homeless without government aid. It's not that we WON'T get a job, its that we can't. People like you make me hate the world.

While I have sympathy for your condition, it is not a justification for ad hominem attacks like this. I can't "make" you do anything: getting over the cult of victimhood would be a healthy first step for you.

You raise some valid points in your article, and every one of the programs you suggest could be administered better and more efficiently through private organizations. I have no problem with a tax structure that rewards individuals to GIVE to programs that can help in cases such as yours, I do NOT feel, however, that such programs are the government's responsibility. Frankly, EVERYONE can justify in their own minds why their case is more important than the next, and it's 200 plus years of people doing just that that have created a government as large and cumbersome as the one we have. We need to face hard truths, and ONE of those hard truths is that we need to eliminate the massive overspending that has characterized our government for so long.

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