The journey from there to here

Hillary Clinton was being driven in her limo in upstate New York. As they drove along the rural roads, her driver accidentally struck a cow. Hillary was concerned, and asked the driver to go to the nearby farmhouse and inform them of the incident, and reimburse them, if need be. An hour quickly passed as the busy senator made calls to various lobbyists, and soon her driver came staggering out to the car with a box of expensive cigars, a half finshed bottle of fine wine, and the hickies all around his neck.

"What happened?" Hillary asked.

"Well, I went up there just like you said. The farmer gave me the cigars, his wife gave me the wine, and his two lovely daughters made passionate love to me"

"well what did you SAY?" Hillary queried.

"I did just like you said. I went to the farmhouse, and knocked on the door. When the farmer aswered, I said 'I'm Hillary Clinton's driver and I just killed the old cow!'"

on Dec 21, 2005
Funny stuff Gid! ::
on Dec 22, 2005
Needs a bump! Thought LW would stop by on this one!