The journey from there to here
Published on December 20, 2005 By Gideon MacLeish In Current Events

In 1931, Congress voted to make Francis Scott Key's memorable song "The Star Spangled Banner" our national anthem. Now, using the logic of esteemed individuals such as Michael Newdow, Barry Lynn, and the late Madeline Murray O'Hare, it should be banned. Why? Well, for thos of us who DIDN'T pay attention in grade school, the National Anthem has FOUR verses. And the fourth verse apparently presents problems, according to the arguments of these highly enlightened individuals.

The fourth verse, unedited, is printed below:

Oh! thus be it ever, when freemen shall stand
Between their loved homes and the war's desolation!
Blest with victory and peace, may the heaven-rescued land
Praise the Power that hath made and preserved us a nation.
Then conquer we must, when our cause it is just,
And this be our motto: "In God is our trust."
And the star-spangled banner in triumph shall wave
O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave! (emboldened text added by author).

What then shall we suggest to replace this beloved ballad? What shall our ballplayers sing off key before the ball games?

One suggestion, from a Mr. Eric C. is "Kyle's Mom's a Bitch" in D-Minor.

on Dec 20, 2005
Dont worry, they will get around to it!  Just give them time.
on Dec 20, 2005
I thought it was "In God we Trust, All others pay Cash"
on Dec 20, 2005
I'm still trying to find any U.S. founding document that doesn't have a reference to deity in one form or another.

I wonder what year it is to Michael Newdud and other activists? It couldn't be "The Year of Our Lord, 2005" ;~D

Or do they just pick and choose what references to deity they are willing to accept and reject. Wouldn't want to inconenience them with their own agenda now, would we. ;~D
on Dec 20, 2005

I wonder what year it is to Michael Newdud and other activists? It couldn't be "The Year of Our Lord, 2005" ;~D

No, it's "2005 C.E." Guess you missed that memo.

on Dec 20, 2005
I guess everyone is supposed to be common now.
on Dec 20, 2005
Go figure.

Shesh. I hate this crap.
on Dec 20, 2005
Joke: A legal immigrant was at Yankee stadium, upon the end of the national anthem he was in tears, a neighbor asked him why he was crying. he said " what a great country to ask if my seats for the game where clear enough, the neighbor asked "what?" the immigrant said why they were singing JOSE can you seeeeeee?????
on Dec 20, 2005
Funny, I've never heard anything aside from the first verse of the anthem... even at baseball games.
on Dec 20, 2005
Personally, I think that they should give the anthem a rest at the beginning of sporting events. Maybe it could be used for playoffs, or other special occasions; but every game is a bit too much. IMO

I may be wrong, but I don't think that the anthem is sung before events in many other countries (except Canada.)
on Dec 20, 2005

1) Who cares how other countries do it?

2) It would kill you to go to movies on military bases then. The Star Spangled Banner is played before each film is played while a patriotic montage video appears on the screen. Everyone stands at the position of Attention through it.... and NO it isn't "a bit too much".
on Dec 20, 2005
The Star Spangled Banner is played before each film is played while a patriotic montage video appears on the screen. Everyone stands at the position of Attention through it.... and NO it isn't "a bit too much".

When we went to see Harry Potter downtown the day after Thanksgiving, my son stood after the trailers and came to attention the way he's seen his dad come to attention....he was very disappointed when we told him they don't do that in civilian theaters.
on Dec 20, 2005

Funny, I've never heard anything aside from the first verse of the anthem... even at baseball games.

That's cause it is subliminal!  To get the atheists!

on Dec 20, 2005
How about we ban people like Rosanne barr from singing it instead?