The journey from there to here

When we arrived in our community, we were introduced to a local minister who, with his wife, was dedicated to helping the poor in the community. They would collect food, furnishings and such to give out to the less fortunate.

At least that's what we were told.

It wasn't two weeks, however, until we began to find out more about the minister. He asked if I wanted to ride with him to the grocery store, and, although I didn't desperately need to, I figured I'd go along just for the company. Along the way, he asked if I had any gas money. Well, I figured, the ride to town's worth something, so I bought him some gas.

Big mistake.

This only ENCOURAGED this individual. While I was trying to run an errand business, he would call and ask me to pick up a 12 pack of soda for him. When I arrived, he wouldn't pay for the soda OR the gas (always an excuse).  He constantly tries to pawn useless items off onto us so that he can get gas money or food money or something of the sort. This is a never ending cycle for him.

Part of the problem is that the items are items he had DONATED to him under the pretense of giving them away to the poor. Part of the problem is that I don't need most of the items he's trying to sell. When I do need the items, I usually buy, if I can get a better deal from him than I can elsewhere. But usually, I don't need them.

This man is a VERY vengeful man. I found this out when I pointed out the illegality of him using community service workers to do yardwork at his personal home. He threatened me repeatedly for that, and used language that, frankly, a minister has no business using. He's a blackmailer who uses the "helping the poor" excuse to gain personal information on the families he helps to try to use against them later. I found THAT out the hard way.

He owns seven properties around town, most of which were donated to him. He has bought TWO houses while I have been there, and reroofed and added a fireplace to one of the houses. He outbid a friend for a stove that the friend's granddaughter badly needed, pretty much severing ties with that friend. And yet, he STILL expects me and others to foot his gas bill and pay his expenses (I have seven mouths to feed; he has TWO).

And now, he works part time at the library. So, he comes in and offers to sell me a $5 Sonic gift card so that he can get gas money. I don't need the Sonic food, and, frankly, I work hard enough for my money. He then asks if I have ANY money for gas, even a couple of bucks. I strongly detest lying for any purpose but don't really want an unneccessary confrontation in public. So I lie. I tell him I have to use my checking to fill up the car.

He storms out: "Thanks for nothing!"

Frankly, I could fill up his tank today. And, under certain circumstances, I just might have done that. But I have come to realize that I have a duty to raise MY family; I do NOT have a duty to raise HIS. This man has MORE than enough money at his disposal; he has FAR more than I do and FAR LESS people to care for than I do. I encounter FAR more needy people on a daily basis, and if I'm going to hand out money, it's going to be THEM, not to a professional mooch.

on Dec 19, 2005
Man, sounds like you can't get rid of that guy! Perhaps you can file a stalking suit agaisnt him! Ha! You may need to watch you back at the library too, who knows who could be peeking over your shoulder...

on Dec 19, 2005

Oh, I'm watching my back here. Funny (but true) story: one of the local ladies was gossipping about us with someone else and made the comment: "he takes his girls to the library al the time...he SAYS it's so they can go on the computer, but I don't think so". This is the same person, mind you, that alleged that my children cannot read because I refuse to allow them to attend school.

What's amusing is this: if they're not reading or on the computer at the library, there's precious little left to do. What better place for them to be during hours of instruction? This person doesn't think through what she says at ALL (chuckle!)

on Dec 19, 2005
Yikes!  I am glad in this case I am Catholic, as the Church pays their wages and living expenses (dont buy the crap about them being poor either!).  At least they are not hitting us up for money all the time.
on Dec 19, 2005
Gid...what kind of place are you living in?


I wouldn't help this man AT ALL. I won't usually help any able bodied man who can WORK. This isn't the depression, look in the paper at all the minimum wage jobs.

You are right to provide for your family first. He is a moocher and you should ask him if he is so hard up for gas money, why doesn't he sell one of his houses for a little extra capital?
on Dec 20, 2005

Yikes! I am glad in this case I am Catholic, as the Church pays their wages and living expenses (dont buy the crap about them being poor either!). At least they are not hitting us up for money all the time.

Well, he's not the pastor of my church (or of ANY church for that matter; I'm beginning to think he uses "the ministry" as a license to steal and that the IRS will eventually catch up with him...but I digress). And most Protestant clergy don't behave this way!

on Dec 20, 2005
This man needs to live by the biblical law - He who does not work, does not eat. Print out a copy of your post and hand it to him without shame. You don't owe him anything. Just my two cents.
on Dec 20, 2005
It's not just mooching - it's becoming extortion! He's guilting the town and his parishioners into giving until it hurts. And he's skimming off the top, the bottom, and the sides?
I'd give the IRS an anonymous tip...

I echo Dr. Guy... I am LDS (Mormon) and we have a totally lay clergy. Nobody earns a dime (our local bishop is a computer programmer IRL) and all our tithing money goes straight to charitable projects and building maintenance.
And thanks to players like this guy, I am happy that we don't pay our people.