Now, don't get me wrong. I have seen a bit of a conflict over expressions of Christmas that I have, at time, considered GROSSLY unfair and unConstitutional. But not so much as to really perceive a wholesale "war on Christmas".
You see, a lot of this debate has centered on the use of the word "Holiday" in place of "Christmas". And, honestly, I think it's silly, and, frankly, making a lot of good and decent conservative Christians into caricatures of themselves.
See, when I was little, we sent out Christmas cards with the message "Happy Holidays". Sure, we used "Merry Christmas" cards as well, but "Happy Holidays" was just a shorter way of acknowledging the overall holiday SEASON, not just the day of Christmas. It wasn't meant as a putdown.
Frankly, I find it ironic that in the Christmas season, which we have dedicated to "peace on earth, goodwill to man", we would allow ourselves to be embroiled in such a conflict. Sure, there are idiots such as Michael Newdow who would like to see Christians silenced outside of their own private homes, but Newdow is in the minority, even among atheists (and his new album is, well, dreck. He makes me long for the harmonic stylings of Will Shatner and Leonard Nimoy....but I digress). The fact is, the majority, even among atheists, simply DON'T CARE.
The fact is, the word "holiday" derives from the words "holy day" anyway. So, in fact, you're pretty much saying the same thing.
So wish me a Happy Hannukah, Kooky Kwanzaa, Friendly Funky Monkey dance say, Merry Christmas (with or without an "x" for the first syllable), or a Happy Holiday. I really don't care. What I know you're really saying is "Have a great holiday celebration...and don't hit the egg nog too hard".
And, frankly, I appreciate that you cared enough to mention it.