The journey from there to here
Published on December 9, 2005 By Gideon MacLeish In Politics

It's getting frustrating.

As a Libertarian, I am always on the lookout for good talking points from the left and right. Both sides have plenty of room for criticism, and there are a lot of good talking points to be had.

But see, as so many have lamented, GOOD liberal talking points are in short supply around the internet. Most of the more intelligent liberals are more moderate than liberal, or focus their blogs on other topics. The few truly intelligent, truly dedicated liberals that remain spend far too little time blogging here, in my opinion. And there ARE some points to be made by liberals.

What we are left with all too often is ad hominem attacks and/or completely unsubstantiated rhetoric. Unfortunately, too many of the leftists we DO find on the sight are so narrow in focus that they simply don't contribute enough to a broad range of topics to be consistently interesting.

A look out over the blogosphere seems to offer little hope as well. All but the most hardened liberal would not want to be represented by the views of the Democratic Underground.

To the good liberal writers on JU (you know who you are): please, give us some more material. To the "one trick ponies": Please, broaden your choice of topics. And to the silent majority of libs: Please, don't be afraid to speak. We may disagree, but I, for one, would like to hear your voices more often.

There's a potential for this to be a truly great blog community, but as long as one view is predominantly expressed over the others, the content is lacking. I know there are some great liberal writers with content to contribute, I'd just like to see more of them.

Comments (Page 4)
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on Dec 10, 2005
"I never claimed to be from any South American country. I did say I have friends from all over th world
have similar stories ..."

nah, rombios. You and I had a long talk once about how the CIA had been involved in some plot to overthrow your government or something. I'm sure I'm not the only one around here that remembers your ranting about how the US imperialism that attacked your country was now attacking Iraq.
on Dec 10, 2005

I hadn't noticed their exodus.

Not exodus, ostracization.

on Dec 10, 2005

Conservatives have a lot easier time dealing with people who oppose them.
You didn't read Texaii'a comments very carefully.

You did not read my article very well either.

on Dec 10, 2005

but you negated it with this single word.

No, he negated it with his single thought.  One cannot make a dog a cat, or a thinking person from a stump.

on Dec 10, 2005

nah, rombios. You and I had a long talk once about how the CIA had been involved in some plot to overthrow your government or something.

He is a caricture.  When I challenged him to produce proof of his statemenets, he disapeared! He has yet to do so, so I will not let him comment until he stops alleging and starts producing.  Suffice it to say, he will never be seen on my blogs again! By his own admissions. Or lack there of.

on Dec 11, 2005
I think this Blog community is pretty healthy. You only need to look at T-blog and hundreds of others that have no standards to know that Joeuser is feeling a pulse that is regulated, intelligent and pretty darn intellectual. It should stay that way.
on Dec 12, 2005
I am new here. Been enjoying the JU culture so far. What I've found interesting is most folks appear to discuss their thoughts without spiraling into superficial tit for tat personalization's, which ruins a thread quickly.

What I don't know yet is... to what extent if any, JU locals have banded together in an imaginary show of position force making differing individual folks feel as though their views are not wanted.
on Dec 12, 2005
I'm sure I'm not the only one around here that remembers your ranting about how the US imperialism that attacked your country was now attacking Iraq.

I remember.....I was there for that one. Rombios is like a stray dog; annoying, but if you ignore him, he'll go away. Keep feeding him and he comes back for more.
on Dec 12, 2005
What I've found interesting is most folks appear to discuss their thoughts without spiraling into superficial tit for tat personalization's,

Hang around for a while. Welcome, though.

What I don't know yet is... to what extent if any, JU locals have banded together in an imaginary show of position force making differing individual folks feel as though their views are not wanted.

Not that I've really seen....we'll back each other up a lot of the time, but that's about it. As to a united front or something, no. Pretty much everyone for himself as far as presentation goes. Just get ready to defend your position. That's were I have trouble a lot of the time.
on Dec 12, 2005
to what extent if any, JU locals have banded together in an imaginary show of position force making differing individual folks feel as though their views are not wanted.

Well, live and learn! We dont band together. And while some have common philosophies, and speak as one in some cases, I think you will find that we all disagree on others. Check out Moderateman, Shadesofgrey, Texas Wahine and Dharmagrl to see how we can agree, and then disagree.
on Dec 12, 2005

Hang around for a while.

I forgot Rightwinger! We never agree!
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