As I look towards my own vision of a smaller government, one of the areas of greatest conflict for me is the area of public transportation. I see where public transportation (both intercity AND intracity) helps the vitality and stability of a community, but the plain fact is that in no community has public transportation EVER turned a profit. The public transportation agencies have simply eaten up more and more of the taxpayer's dime.
A key component of my platform as I prepare to run for public office is exploring options for privately financed public transportation in our small community and to larger communities. I believe it can be done.
You see, commercial businesses will benefit with a sound public transportation system because it will bring shoppers to their door. A bus that stops just outside the local WalMart is a wiser expense than several thousand ads in the local paper. And industries can benefit as their workers will have less time away from work due to mechanical failures of their personal vehicles, production will rise and so will the industry's bottom line. Hospitals will save money as patients needing emergency care take busses rather than the ambulance (causing them to pile up ambulance bills that most of them never pay). And best of all, there's a ready supply of available busses for transportation AND drivers if a shared use agreement can be worked out where the local school districts receive income back from the use of their idle school busses for public transit. Sure, it might mean purchasing a few more busses for "peak" times, but in the end, the school district would quite possibly turn a profit off of their endeavour (to those who claim the school busses aren't adequately safe for public transit, I have to ask why, then, they're considered adequately safe for our STUDENTS!)
I don't know if my proposal would work. Frankly, there's a lot of work that needs to be done on the idea. But I feel that, because I am proposing a potentially viable solution, that the idea should certainly be explored. If we could develop a privately funded transportation system, we could make our communities stronger, and sleep well knowing we did it without another taxpayer mugging.