Because of the time I spend driving on my job (as a "media distribution specialist") and the extremely limited playlists on the music radio stations in our area, I find myself listening to talk radio fairly often. One of my preferred shows is the Michael Medved show, because Medved gives more time to opposing views and generally treats them with respect.
Until the issue comes to third parties. Medved is clear that he detests third parties and that any intelligent person would join the Democrat or Republican Parties. He's quite virulent in his opposition, and makes that opposition quite clear.
Every week, on Thursdays, Michael has "disagreement day", where an entire hour is dedicated to callers who disagree with Michael. I have tried to call the show at various times, but since it is a nationally syndicated show, have met with very little success.
Until yesterday. I got through to the call screener. When he asked how I disagreed with Michael, I responded: "I am a libertarian. I live in the Texas Panhandle, where the Democratic Party is completely irrelevant. I believe that in this area the Libertarian Party more closely represents the opposing view to the Republican Party and is preferable to a one party system". The screener said he already had too many calls on third parties and wouldn't take mine. As I listened to the remainder of the show, however, I counted FIVE calls on the issue of reparations and TWO on third parties. Both callers on third parties were unable to express their views in a strong, cohesive manner.
I believe I was kicked off the call list because I had TOO strong a point; that Michael Medved couldn't "put me in my place" as he does so many of his callers, and I believe this to be the primary job of screeners at programs such as his. I further believe it to be intellectually dishonest and cowardly.
And so, as a result of being unable to get through on the call line, I will be sending Michael an email asking him to have me as a guest on his show to debate the topic. He can easily prove me wrong by giving me the opportunity to speak, and if he invites me, I will accept.
But I'm not holding my breath waiting for the invite.