There are endless speculations among our political elite as to how to end crime in the US. stricter enforcement hasn't worked, "zero tolerance" and "three strikes" have only worked against those whose cases aren't sensational enough to attract good lawyers. And, in fact, as long as there are two or more people alive on the earth, there will be crime of some sort or the other.
But the United States could go a long way towards reducing crime in this country as we know it by the simple act of ending welfare and other private "entitlements". While liberals claim it would increase crime (and it might, over the VERY short term), the fact is that over the long term eliminating welfare would, in all probability, REDUCE crime and create a stronger, more productive society.
To understand this, you must first understand where most crime occurs. And that is in the inner cities, which are fast becoming war zones. Put simply, property crimes are being carried out on those who have the least property to offer, and violence is being carried out on those who live in these public subsidized housing projects. In many cases, law enforcement is nonexistent as the police refuse to go there. Add to that the fact that, with the majority of these individuals on public assistance, thugs KNOW when they have money. It comes at the same time, every month.
In addition, entitlements have created an idle culture. Sure, you're supposed to WORK for welfare benefits, in theory, but there are many loopholes and the recipients of these entitlements are quite clever at finding these loopholes (like jailhouse lawyers, they will scrutinize these documents, having nothing but time, until they find the loophole that fits their own situation). The old saying "the devil has time for idle hands" could not be proven more true than in the inner cities of places like Detroit, Michigan and New York City.
But probably worst of all is that, in order to be more efficient in the distribution of these entitlements, housing projects have sprung up in these places. These housing projects are schools for crime, where most children have no choice but to join a gang or die, and where many of our career criminals are fostered.
Private charity has always been more compassionate, while being more discriminatory in who can and cannot receive aid. Administrators can more quickly identify fraud and act to arrest the fraud just as quickly. Best of all, private charities (theoretically, at least) rely on money that is VOLUNTARILY given to their cause, rather than money that is wrested out by faceless bureaucrats. And the administrative costs of private charities are FAR lower than those of their government counterparts.
The simple fact is, we don't WANT to reduce crime. We don't WANT to improve the lives of these individuals. For if we do, we will put to an end a multi BILLION dollar industry of government agents who are nothing more than state sanctioned welfare recipients themselves.