The journey from there to here


I have to first credit LW for her article on illegal aliens killing more Americans than the war in Iraq (Link ).

For all of our rhetoric about wars and terrorism (the ad hominem attack du jour is to call someone a terrorist), I find it interesting that the MSM has ignored a very real, very serious threat to US security, that of the drug lords in Mexico that have taken over the drug trade into the US. How is it that a car bomb in Fallujah makes news but the closing of a consulate in Nuevo Laredo makes it to the round file?

Every report from those who have seen the situation in Laredo, Texas and Nuevo Laredo, Mexico has made it clear that it is a war zone. One report talked about a truck full of dope that was being apprehended 20 miles inside the Texas border. The truck turned around and returned to the Mexican border, and the border patrol agents and DPS officers were fired on as soon as they came within the range of the Mexicans' artillery. Border Patrol agents do not dare turn their emergency flashers on at night because they will be targetted by these drug lords.

These are not sensationalist stories out of the discarded files on Art Bell's computer, mind you, these are FIRST HAND, DOCUMENTED accounts. And to this point the US has not considered this to be enough of a security concern to actively do something to defend our borders.

The Libertarian Party does advocate for open borders, so at first this entire article would appear to be a contradiction on my part. But as one writer within the party eloquently stated, "Open borders does not mean insecure borders, just as closed borders does not mean secure borders". Laredo, Texas is proof positive of the last part of that sentence.

Because we have concentrated our efforts overseas, we've missed the war that is being waged within our own borders. It is especially ironic when you consider that the sitting president is the former governor of our state.

Under internationally accepted terms, firing on armed officers is considered to be an act of war. An act of war justifies the use of a military response. If we can occupy Fallujah, we can just as surely occupy Nuevo Laredo and drive these thugs away from our borders.

on Dec 07, 2005
Great article!!

Just like the gun and drug problems in this country, if the government would do a realistic assessment of the problem and enforce the just enforce the laws on the books, there would be little need for more laws (or for more fences).

on Dec 07, 2005
ditto to what ParaTed2k said! it's very interesting and insightful too, thanks
on Dec 07, 2005
Excellent point, great article, and one that is long overdue.
I spent a summer in Douglas, Arizona, just over the border from the rest of America. Actually it was just north of Agua Prieta, a nasty little Mexican border town out in the scrubby desert south of the Gila River.
I remember looking out my window at night, just before sunset, and seeing 'los illegales' running north across the flat hardpan of sand, rock, and the occasional bush.
I didn't know that DPS and US Border Patrol agents were being shot at and fired upon by artillery, though!! Yikes. Must be a Nuevo Laredo thing. Nobody messes with Texas!
on Dec 08, 2005

I didn't know that DPS and US Border Patrol agents were being shot at and fired upon by artillery, though!! Yikes. Must be a Nuevo Laredo thing. Nobody messes with Texas!

When I first heard about this it was new to me as well. But there's a preponderance of credible evidence that this is going on. What I want to know is, WHY won't the MSM touch this?