The journey from there to here

Well, the big news over the past couple of weeks was the arrival and departure of Dick Cheney into the county seat of our little county. The secrecy behind it all has made our local media more than a little suspicious.

When Cheney arrived in the community, it was speculated that he was going bird hunting with billionaire T. Boone Pickens, who has a ranch nearby. But the White House went to great lengths to obstruct anyone who was trying to gather information, including insisting that "they could not confirm the vice president's location" (fair enough, until you consider that the presence of armored SUV's, a couple dozen Secret Security agents and the arrival of a Gulfstream jet on an airport that normally only hosts the arrival and departure of several private craft is pretty much a dead giveaway). Attempts by the media to speak with the vice president during his stay were rebuffed by White House Staff who were flummoxed by the reporter's mention in his attempt to gain access of another famous Texan, LBJ (sad that our high school students don't know history....sadder still that our White House staffers are stumped, especially when the historical figure once RESIDED at theri place of employment...but again I digress). The only thing that is known about the veep's visit is that the County Sherriff and a local judge were taken to Pickens' ranch to meet with Cheney.

I'm not entirely comfortable with this administration's attempts to shroud everything in secrecy. We live in a democracy, where the government is ostensibly the political arm of the populace themselves. While it may be prudent to be less than forthcoming about the movements of our political figures for homeland security reasons, such prudence should be balanced with the knowledge that these individuals are our SERVANTS, and have a certain degree of responsibility to us as citizens. Clandestine meetings such as Cheney's panhandle visit only strengthen the suspicions of those who are watchful of the government to begin with, and seemingly underscore this administration's contempt for the average American.

Of course, it's possible that Cheney was only bird hunting. But wouldn't "he's bird hunting with a friend and doesn't want to be bothered, so kiss off!" be a much more honest answer?

on Dec 05, 2005
I'm not entirely comfortable with this administration's attempts to shroud everything in secrecy

Transparency is vital to honest democracy.
on Dec 05, 2005

The only thing that is known about the veep's visit is that the County Sheriff and a local judge were taken to Pickens' ranch to meet with Cheney.

Which really is all that you "need" to know. And no is shouldn't be balanced with prudence. There are people in this world, even in our own country that would like nothing better than to take out either the VP OR the Pres and info like that is all they'd need. They may indeed be our servant, but their safety MUST take precedence.
on Dec 05, 2005
Of course, it's possible that Cheney was only bird hunting. But wouldn't "he's bird hunting with a friend and doesn't want to be bothered, so kiss off!" be a much more honest answer?

i think he tried that approach when he took supreme court justice scalia duck hunting on someone's private reserve prior to the court ruling in his favor.

i used to enjoy doing standup routines (usually old henny youngman stuff) for flocks of ducks cuz they always responded so well to the punchlines. i can only imagine the reaction when scalia said, 'i'm not gonna allow this trip to affect my decision'.
on Dec 05, 2005
They may indeed be our servant, but their safety MUST take precedence.

There is a price we pay for keeping our leaders safe in this post-9/11 world. Everyone would love to take potshots at the current administration. If we let everybody know that Cheney was in town, the wrong person might find out. It's called "operational security" or OPSEC. (Yes, it has its own acronym...)

On 9/11 and many times thereafter, Bush and Cheney were sequestered away in separate "undisclosed locations". Whenever Bush appeared in public after 9/11, Cheney was in that "undisclosed location" to spread the risk out.

The days of the spontaneous handshake visit by the President are a thing of the past.
on Dec 07, 2005
Gideon- There is no indication that this is an official visit. This is a no-win thing - if he says private, kiss off, then they spend their time looking for something sinister. If he says official, no comment at thi time, they spend thier time looking for something sinister.

Think about the media coverage of Cheney in general - have they EVER given him ANY break from relentless hounding? I'd spend my time in a secret location, too.