Being a student of history, I have a deep admiration for feminists. They have fought to give rights to women who, for too many years did not have those rights in many societies and they have given voice to a gender that was too long silenced by men who misapplied religious teachings without giving them full understanding.
But I despise female supremacists. Female supremacists have worked to swing the pendulum the other way, to establish DOMINANCE for women, and to drive the male culture to the point of subjugation. They feel it is justified for the years they spent in oppression.
Their argument is as ridiculous as that of racists who would continue to press for reparations and affirmative action programs geared not to put minorities into prominent positions, but to drive whites OUT of those positions.
And female supremacists have blighted the name of feminism.
They eschew anything that to them resembles patriarchy. That's fine and good for them...until they try to enforce their views on a number of women who are quite COMFORTABLE with a patriarchal lifestyle.
They press for equality for women in the workplace. That is a noble and genuine cause, but should NOT be done by DENIGRATING those women who take upon themselves the equal noble and genuine cause of staying at home, raising a family and managing a household.
They argue for "choice" (a euphemism for "it's my fetus and I'll kill if I want to"...but I digress), but spit on the concepts of personal responsibility and common sense that could have prevented the "choice" from being necessary.
They laud fellow female supremacists like Gloria Steinem and Hillary Rodham Clinton because of their politically leftist ideology, but loathe traditional feminists like Theodora "Tonie" Nathan (the first woman to receive a US electoral college vote...a dozen years BEFORE Ferrarro) because of their more conservative outlooks.
Feminists have created a better world, a more hopeful outlook for my four daughters and I owe them much. But Female Supremacists are the sharks in the tank, the ones who would devour my daughters' souls if they choose in a way that doesn't suit the Female Supremacists' mantra. They are a danger, and a discredit to feminism, and true feminists would do well to distance themselves from these monsters.