In the debate on Tookie Williams, I must admit I was wrong.
I was blinded by my own ethos into thinking that murder was somehow wrong, and that Scripture, which condones capital punishment for certain offenses, should be my basis for thinking so. Because, you see, I was trying to integrate religion into my politics.
The death penalty should be done away with entirely. In fact, so should incarceration. Tookie Williams is nothing more than a political prisoner, imprisoned for his oppositional views to our government. He and his 840,000 constituents should be lauded as freedom fighters and freed to express their political views, even if it comes at the expense of 2,000 some youth per year, and in the de facto oppression of millions who are afraid to speak their mind and act out against what they perceive as a reign of terror, but which is, in fact, just another form of political activism.
To be fair, we can no longer judge the thief. His actions were not those of a pilferer, but of an enterprising opportunist. He fueled the economy by "sticking it to" those greedy insurance companies who paid for the actions of his trade. Arsonists? Another form of political activist who simply had the bad fortune to get caught. Pedophiles? "Free love" activists misunderstood by a judgemental public (just ask "Buzzy" Ginsberg).
Yes, all form of retaliation is wrong, and we should be ashamed of ourselves for believing it is right. I would say that we deserve to be jailed, but we're just expressing our opinion after all