The journey from there to here

I was rereading dharma's article about writing professionally, and wanted to comment, but decided against hijacking her thread (I already left a comment prior, but didn't want to detract the emphasis on her writing career on her own blog).

Anyway, I'm pretty much setting the stage for entry into my own professional writing career. Frankly, if I'm successful, I'll have the individuals on this blogsite to thank.

You see, for about a year and a half, you have been my sounding board, my harshest critics (besides myself), and my biggest fans. You've offered insight and advice and my writing ability has improved in the process. Through some bloggers I gained the skill of satirical writing with effectiveness, through others I gained confidence to expose some of my more controversial opinions without fear of being flamed off the internet, and through all of you I have gained the wisdom that has enabled me to communicate in an effective, efficient manner. All of those skills will assist me greatly in writing.

I have three solid projects I am advancing (I will not disclose titles, for one thing I have discovered above all else in my time on here is, titles are GOLD. They're your hook, and you don't simply GIVE them away). There is, of course, my book on our homeschooling philosophy that's been a work in progress for years. That's kind of thisd on my list, as it's dependent on my having TIME to wade through the research steps that are necessary to bringing it to a honed, polished conclusion. There is also the missive I intend to write over the next year about my venture onto the campaign trail as a third party candidate (Gonzo journalism for a new generation, basically). And the third one, I won't divulge, but it's going to be the first project as it is the most readily publishable.

I want to thank all of you who read my work, though, for making this possible. Through you I have gained the confidence and skills necessary to have a fighting chance in a highly competitive field.

on Nov 22, 2005
Good luck!

I can see us both having used JU as a place to hone our skills...I owe the people here a huge debt of gratitude for having put up with my ramblings over the years.

Now all I have to do is get up the courage to actually do what I said I was going to do...
on Nov 22, 2005
Best of luck Gid with all this. I look forward to seeing your work!
on Nov 22, 2005

You mean I was supposed to be critiquing your writing?  I am glad you did not rely on me for that!

best of luck!

on Nov 22, 2005
I can definitely see you being published. You are a natural. Even though I hardly comment I DO read your blog. Good Luck and I do want an autographed copy!
Happy Thanksgiving.
on Nov 24, 2005
Yay! Finally a JU book writer that I can support... (as opposed to a certain broken record bashin' machine whose prose doesn't even rise to the level of usable t.p. for me )

Best of luck to you Gid, and do tell us all the titles when the deed is done and the books are available for purchase. You know there's a horde here waiting as potential customers.