Up on yahoo news' headline list is an article on a study that shows that spanked children are more likely to be aggressive. There are a whole lot of variables, of course, NOT explained in the context of the study.
I have strong reservations about spanking. I believe it is sometimes appropriate for younger children, although rarely the best choice of discipline for older children (I believe the end result of any disciplinary action should be to teach the child the desired behavior, and spanking doesn't usually cut the mustard...but I digress). I do, however, know many parents who have a spanking policy that is much more liberal than our own and whose children turned out fine.
The problem with studies such as this, though, is that all too often government officials take it and run with it without ever seeing the hard data that produced the study or evaluating individual situations. "Spanking bad" is their mantra, and they become insistent on enforcing their philosophy of discipline on EVERYONE, even though the topic itself is debatable. Almost every parent I know lives in mortal fear of slapping or spanking their children in a public place because they know that the end result may well be a visit from a government official and a complete vetting of their lives and lifestyle choices.
The thing about an opinion is that it is just that: an OPINION. While this study may wisely advise parents against using spanking as a PRIMARY form of discipline, there are those who will tend to throw the baby out with the bathwater. Sorry, if my toddler touches the woodstove, his hand's getting smacked. Otherwise these same officials will be demanding that I explain why I didn't prevent my child from the severe burns he suffered, implying neglect on my part. It is a no win situation.
One of the reasons I write on these sorts of topics is that I long for a return to common sense. That's not a liberal issue or a conservative issue, it's a PEOPLE issue. Government should never be something that we fear, but rather an agent to maintain order and defend our standard of living. Sadly, though, popular thought seems to be headed in the opposite direction.