If you're going to San Francisco,
Be sure to wear flowers in your hair
If you're going to San Francisco
You're going to find some gentle people there.
Over the last two weeks I have become convinced that hairspray causes insanity. I am, of course, referring to the fact that San Francisco voters by a wide margin banned private ownership of guns within city limits and banned military recruiters on college campuses (an incredibly ironic combination, since, if private citizens can't own guns, then you need to rely on the military in the event of an invasion...but I digress).
No, I'm not fool enough to believe they'll be successful in seizing all of the weapons. Let them give it a try and the NRA will have a field day with it, once they clear the 9th circuit court of Schlemiels. But I find it appalling that they would even try.
Add to that the ban on military recruiters on college campuses, and I have to think that a majority of San Franciscans have liberally indulged in the medicinal marijuana that is readily obtainable there by all reports. While I am personally anti-draft, the fact is there IS no draft, and has not been one since long before I was draft age, and that EVERY member of our armed forces has enlisted VOLUNTARILY. We are in the middle of a war, and in a war, there is an especially strong need for recruits.
But the solution to the San Francisco problem is simple: no military recruiters, no federal funds. Withdraw any and every federal dollar from the city of San Francisco and allow them their sovereignty in going it alone. When the next earthquake hits, don't let FEMA go in, don't let the National Guard go in, don't let ANY branch of the Armed Forces go in. In short, let them reap what they've sown. And when uncontrollable looting overtakes the city because unarmed citizens cannot stop the rioters with hair dryers, when the city of San Francisco is burning, maybe, just maybe, the liberals there will realize they don't live in a vaccuum and that conservatives in this country have just as much right to a voice.
It is ironic that a city that parades its gays on the principal streets in town as they simulate sex acts on floats for the entertainment of children who would be banned from seeing such in a theater, stand up and assert their first amendment rights while denying those rights to the very individuals who fought and died so they could HAVE those rights. San Francisco is an embarrassment to ALL of America, and they further support my belief that, sadly, these cretins WILL be spitting on our soldiers when they return home.
Until this is resolved, I'm boycotting Rice-a-Roni and Full House reruns (OK, so that last one wasn't much of a sacrifice!)