The journey from there to here

Our local paper carries the high school newspaper as an insert when it is printed. And so, I was reading through the newspaper this past week, when one of the boys in our small community (who goes to school in the larger community, where the paper is located) wrote a column about a few random thoughts. He glibly discussed the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, and mentioned that 95 percent of their casualties were civilian.

Then, in closing, he mentioned that he would put "a fist in the face of any veteran who tells me Hiroshima and Nagasaki were justified".

He deserves a medal, at least, for pointing out precisely why I, as a pacifist, want nothing to do with most of the contingent who have allied themselves with the anti war movement. See, his comment demonstrates why he should not for one second consider himself a pacifist.

Ghandi did not threaten physical violence to defend his pacifist beliefs. Nor, in fact, has any pacifist throughout history. And yet that philosophy, whether stated or simply implied, has seemed to be a prevailing thought among most of those who now claim to be pacifists in their anti war stance.

We have a lot to fear if we live in a world where those who claim to work for peace advocate for physical violance to advance their cause. Although I did briefly toy with the possibility that this gentleman's statement could have been deliberately ironic, the context in which it was made as well of personal knowledge of him as a person quickly drove that out of my head. He is not a person who is remotely open to differing opinions.

Possibly the worst travesty of all was that his little fatwah was declared on Veteran's Day.

on Nov 13, 2005
Can I punch him in the face for putting all those civilians at risk for starting the war?
on Nov 13, 2005

My contention is that, as horrific as Hiroshima and Nagasaki were, it was precisely the horrible images from those attacks indelibly etched on the minds of world leaders that prevented us from initiating a nuclear war during the Cold War. In that sense, the 120,000 who died in those two cities may very well have indirectly saved the lives of millions, or even billions.

While this doesn't make their deaths right by any means, it does add a measure of balance to a universe that all too often seems WAY out of whack!

on Nov 13, 2005

My contention is that, as horrific as Hiroshima and Nagasaki were, it was precisely the horrible images from those attacks indelibly etched on the minds of world leaders that prevented us from initiating a nuclear war during the Cold War. In that sense, the 120,000 who died in those two cities may very well have indirectly saved the lives of millions, or even billions.

My Contention is that while you are right, they brought it upon themselves.  In war, you seek to gain an advantage.  America did with no understanding of that advantage.  Had it been Nazi Germany or Tojo Japan, that would have been truly a travesty.

So my question remains.  can I punch him in the face for starting that stupid war?  I want some one to ask him that.

on Nov 13, 2005
Who was it?
on Nov 13, 2005
I don't know if you know them, Tex...they're not "natives". But the son is very much like the father in that dissent from his opinion is considered to be the highest form of heresy (the father is the one who went ballistic on me because I asked for proof of the report he alleged showed homeschoolers to perform worse than their public school counterparts, in complete opposition to every other study that's EVER been done).
on Nov 13, 2005
Wow. Sounds like a douche bag. I was thinking, as I was reading this, "I'll bet this kid's making his parents really proud." Heh. I guess he really IS.
on Nov 13, 2005
There are three truly sad things about this situation. The first is that this little liar defames the good name of pacifism by falsely claiming to be one; the second is that others who claim to be pacifists agree with him (completely bastardizing the meaning of the word). Lastly (and to me the worst of all), your community and his school hasn't given this little pissant the cold shoulder for the disrespect he shows to our vets, his community and our nation.

What he needs is a good old fashion butt kicking, but my guess is, what he'll get is a pat on the back and a bunch of empty praise from people who live as empty lives as he does.
on Nov 13, 2005
He's a cutie, huh? What little monsters we make of our children.

How wonderful that we turn out "pacifists" that would be willing to watch Germany and Japan vicitimize millions and believe they are taking the high road. Little shits like that frankly need a better grasp of history. Who exactly do they think worked in all those German bomb factories, SS officers? I suppose we were evil to be bombing Germany's Rosie the Riveters, too. I wonder what Europe would have looked like had we not...

If you want to look at what a generation of people like that turn into, look at Europe now. Blessed be the nations who rail at the US for making a war to unseat Hussein, and who spent ten years starving Iraqi children while exploiting the oil for food program to make billions.