The journey from there to here
Published on November 7, 2005 By Gideon MacLeish In Current Events

Well, first things first. This title has nothing to do with OUR case, where CPS has backed off since we stood our ground, but with the case of fellow activists.

Last week, I shared a letter from their young daughter, who spoke her mind about the treatment they had received at the hands of CPS. After a long drawn out court battle, the family won and the charges were dismissed unfounded.

Within 24 hours, CPS was back at their door. Family members that initiated the earlier false allegations called up CPS before the ink was even dry on the court papers. They attempted to interview the daughter at school, but the daughter refused, saying she wanted a lawyer. This family fought their way through one nightmare, only to be dragged into another. Because this involves vengeful family members, they can in all likelihood be sure that this will continue until and unless CPS is stopped.

This case underscores the flaw in anonymous reporting, which I personally feel should be eliminated entirely. Anonymous reporting is not generally used for legitimate reports of abuse and neglect, but rather as a vehicle to harass the innocent. This family has already been through the wringer once; now someone has taken it upon themselves to ensure that it will happen again...and again...and again.

No American should EVER have to live in a world where they must frequently assert and even PROVE their innocence against repeated, spurious allegations. The people who make these calls are nothing more than stealth terrorists, and they should be held to answer for their actions.

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