The journey from there to here

Imagine being accused of a crime. Everything that is dear to you is stripped away and you are left daily living the nightmare of separation from those dearest to you without ever knowing when or if you will have those children returned to you.

Now imagine this was brought about due to an anonymous caller. Someone at work who hated you and wanted to see you suffer. An ex spouse out for revenge. A neighbor who disagrees with your lifestyle. One call and uniformed officers come into your house, tear your life upside down and rip your children away. Sounds like a nightmare plot from a distopian novel, doesn't it?

As nightmarish as it sounds, it is a reality for hundreds of thousands of families across America. Because of laws initially intended to protect children, lives are torn apart, reputations ruined, jobs, homes, and assets lost...and when it's all sorted out, the accused are left to try to reassemble their shattered lives -- knowing full well the monster that struck once can strike again. And again. And again, ad infinitum, and there's little they can do about it.

I fight against these atrocities by CPS because they are just that: atrocities. They have no business in a free society. And the damage that has been done by workers allegedly acting "in the best interests of the child" can never be repaired. The nightmares can never be erased.

I have been challenged to detail the "good" in CPS. Sorry, I can't. While I won't come out and condemn every single CPS worker, the system itself is flawed and one we as liberty loving citizens should work to dismantle, in the best interests of the FAMILY.

on Nov 06, 2005
I know a man and a woman that were driving down the highway and were caught with a red phosporous meth lab in the car with them cooking and bubbling away in the trunk- an extremely dangerous thing. They had two very small children with them which were turned over to CPS when they were taken into custody. This was a pain I'm glad they had to bear. Link

on Nov 06, 2005
You miss the point, shovelheat. The people you mention have been investigated by the appropriate authorities, their rights have been respected, and they'll get their day in court with a jury of their peers. People accused anonymously and investigated by CPS aren't given any rights, they aren't granted real investigations, and they stand in judgment before people with no oversight or need to be fair.

I think if the cops showed up at Gideon's door, he'd be happy to be investigated in that way. They'd have to follow the rules, they'd have to get a warrant, they'd have to pbserve due process. CPS is a hack, rogue civil service with too much power and a mandate to abuse people, and the whole thing should be dissolved.

Child abuse is a crime, child neglect is a crime. No one should investigate crimes other than criminal authorities.

on Nov 07, 2005
If these were the exceptions, we could lament them and say how sorry we were for an honest mistake.  But as you point out, it is all too common.  And shows no sign of abating.  And it is all done in the name of the nanny state whereby no one can be responsible, so the government has to treat you like a child.