I'm having a hard time understanding how I was EVER a leftist as I listen to some of the proposals put forth in our current economic crunch.
One of the most glaringly stupid proposals? The suggestion that we TAX oil companies and apply the income to helping low income families heat their homes.
Now, I realize some of you reading this may think it's a good idea, and on the surface it appears to be so. But let's take a look BEYOND the surface and realize why this is perhaps the WORST solution we could propose.
Let's say you operate joe's widget warehouse. You produce widgets at 27 cents apiece and sell them for 50 cents apiece. That 27 percent cost of production includes ALL expenses (labor, equipment costs, utility cost, and, yes, TAXES). Now let's say Joe Senator places a 20 cent tax on widgets.
Well, see, that suddenly upped your cost to 47 cents apiece, meaning your supply price would be 3 cents apiece. Guess what? You can't pay your stockholders at 3 cents apiece and can pretty much be assured of unemployment if you continue to do so. So you up your price by 20 cents, EXACTLY the amount of the tax, meaning your per widget profit stays EXACTLY the same. But your consumers paid more.
If there are several middlemen between you and the end user, each will up their price to accomodate their cost, and the end user will be the one paying the tax. Meaning that the tax on widgets was actually a tax on the end user and the manufacturer didn't pay ONE THIN DIME.
So by advocating for a tax on oil companies, you're advocating for a tax on yourself. Because to a business accountant, tax = cost, and it is ALWAYS factored in to the sell price. And so you hurt the very individuals you intended to help.
This winter, we ALL will be affected by increased heating costs. The increase in oil prices stands to affect virtually ALL retail costs, as costs of transportation and utilities must be factored in at every level from the suppliers and manufacturers on down to the local retailer. Let's not compound the problem by further increasing their costs with a tax on oil.