As many of you know, I participate actively on the message boards at The following is a story from the child's perspective of a family that has been affected by the actions of CPS. I have tried to eliminate the usernames, although this piece is reprinted with permission (the author is young, so forgive the spelling errors, which were intentionally left intact. Other than removing screen names, the piece appears unabridged):
this is xxx's granddauther and xxx's dauther. i just want to say im so happy to be home. yesterday when they came in the visit room and they came in and told me i was going home i was in shock. was this really my dream coming true? or dreaming?
i was so happy! its been a big daze ever sense. i was up till 4 last night asking my mom, how could they do this? why was money so inportent to them? was money such a big thing that they had to rip a child from its perfectly good family? and send them into a emotional explosion? to teriize the child and its family? to rip there pressise time in there youth? to make them get emotional shutdown? to make them feel so lonely and cry night after night? to do this? they should be locked in the sike ward! to be in jail.
i have sat in a group home for 3 and a half months crying! i could not take it. i was going insane! i was taken from my family! locked in a jail! they have terrized me! took me from my mother and grandparents and brother and sister!
i spent july 4th, a great family holiday for fun and laughter crying in my bed listioning to fireworks boom! i was sopposed to be with my family,laughing and haveing a barbecue, holding my precise 5 yr old brother on my shoulders, watching the fireworks.
for halloween taking my brother on my moter bike trick or treating. instead i was in a dang group home! doing nothing! my brother has been through a very deep state of horror! only five years old and having his sister yanked from him, not even been able to talk to him for 8 months! excpet for like 3 visits in 8 months!
dss ruined my life! they tried to brainwash me and tell me crap! they tried to say my mom abandoned me! they took me away from her, they wouldnt let me talk to her! my brother and such a young stage. were he starts to remember things! they treated me like a sack of garbage! they acted like i didnt even matter! i was just a trip to the bank to them! they said in my best interest?
to rip me from my family, my dear sister and brother my mom and grandparents aunt and uncle! my cousins! i wasnt able to cope! after being in there,night after night, being munipulated,mistreated and yelled at, i gave up hope. i thought i would never see my family again. my dear brother! my sister, my only sister my mom and my grandparents,my aunts and uncles and cousins!
i gave up hope. i went numb and in shock, if somthing happend to them! i would never, and im still not, forgiving dss. my friend (moms age) died in a car accident, i still dont stop crying about it, what if this happend to them,any of them! dss munipulated and lied to me,i didnt give in to there schemes just gave up hope! i would sit in my room and just think about the future!
i hate dss and i have seen a miracle right before my eyes! i have laughed and been reunited with my family and brother and i praise the lord for that! today i picked him up from school and he said "do you have her? for good? i have it on my cell phone, i will try to post it on my site. i thank the lord for his miraCLE. and my family and you all and everyone who helped rescue me! my heart is with the people and children who are still in this terrible nightmare.
i will try to use my expierence to help rescue the kids and there family from this nightmare, i was very apalled to here what dss does, abuse there power to ruin the lives of innocent children and familys! for money! and im shocked. i will do all i can to help. thankyou all and god bless! i pray for all of you!
-annoymos surviver from dss and there cruel ways! someone who recieved a miracle for god with the help of my family and you all! thanks again! together we can win! thanks and godbless, from this i will never take life for granted and live it to the fullest!
