The journey from there to here
An Update for regular readers
Published on October 21, 2005 By Gideon MacLeish In Current Events

Well, it's been a long week, and I haven't been able to get online (some thanks due to the mismanagement techniques of Major Fast Food Chain). But the week has not been a dull one, by any means.

On Tuesday I contacted the attorney that we were referred to by the Rutherford Institute. He's not an ambulance chaser, by any means, and his name isn't prominently displayed in a full page ad in the yellow pages. So he can't completely defend us pro bono. But he has offered his services as a consultant free of charge, and if for some reason we need him in court, he will charge us well below the going rate for attorneys in the area. He agrees, though, that I have enough of a grasp of the law to represent ourselves should the need arise.

Meanwhile, another week has passed with no further contact from CPS. At the very minimum, standing by our 4th amendment rights has bought us time to get our ducks in a row and seek legal advice.

I'm pretty close to leaving MFFC for good. As stated before, their management techniwues are not poor, they're completely nonexistent. And I don't need the stress.

Then there's the play. Opening night is tonight, and while I am prepared, a couple of the other cast members aren't quite there. Every play I've ever been in, though, seems to come through somehow, even if it doesn't look like it will at the start. So, we'll see how it goes.

on Oct 21, 2005

Play - Big part?

I thought I never would do that, but wound up doing quite a few!  And loved it!

on Oct 21, 2005
Duplicate. Sorry