The journey from there to here
Published on October 16, 2005 By Gideon MacLeish In Current Events


Ok, let me first be VERY VERY clear in saying I detest everything the American Nazi Party stands for.

This being said, I find it incredibly telling that citizens of Toledo are blaming the party for the riots among black citizens of Toledo who destroyed buildings and diad a whole lot of mayhem in the name of "protest".

The neonazis marched along Toledo sidewalks. True, their presence would be disquieting to those who have worked so long to combat hate and prejudice. And I do feel their pain, seriously. But when they began throwing objects and threatening the physical safety of these vermin, they in essence became the very monsters they are trying to fight.

For you see, there was no substantial difference between what these people were doing on the streets of Toledo and what race baiter Louis Farrakhan was doin on the mall in DC. The only differences were the color of the skin of the protestors, the size of the assembled protestors, and the setting of the protest.

And in their reaction, these crowds gave justification to those whose minds are so poorly developed as to believe that minority races are somehow inferior as to why their evaluations were justified. They exhibited the worst of human behaviour of ANY race, and dealt a serious black eye to the cause of equality, a cause we need to continue to fight for in this day and age.

And they, sadly, made the neonazi's march FAR more successful than any silent, nonviolent protest ever could have.

on Oct 16, 2005

And they, sadly, made the neonazi's march FAR more successful than any silent, nonviolent protest ever could have.

If there hadn't been a riot, I doubt that this march would have made national news.  So, the rioters gave the Nzai's exactly what they wanted and at the same time painted themselves in the light that the Nazi's want the rest of us to see them in. 

They fell for it.  Eejits.

on Oct 17, 2005

And they, sadly, made the neonazi's march FAR more successful than any silent, nonviolent protest ever could have.

Ironic isn't it?  But riots are not started by rational thinking people after all.  Hate clouds reason.

on Oct 17, 2005
Your last two paragraphs said it all Gid. It's unfortunate that the majority don't or can't see it this way. If they did they wouldn't give them the time of day.
on Oct 17, 2005
I am extremely anti-Nazi, yet being of a purely left-wing mind, I very much feel that their right to march was justified...and PROTECTED...under free speech. I hate 'em, but I won't stand in their way to express themselves at all.

(Uh, just my random view).
on Oct 21, 2005

Sorry for the misreporting, LW. But I, like you, got sick and tired of seeing headline after headline detailing the "Nazi riot in Toledo".

My misreporting may have been off. But it wasn't NEARLY as off as THEIRS was (and I don't get PAID for my opinion, neither!)

Thanks for weighing in.


Your sentiments (except the whole "left wing mind" thing) echo mine pretty closely. Thanks.