I had to look this news story up to verify the facts of it, but I have had it in my head since I heard the story.
Staff Seargant John Doles came home to Chelsea, Oklahoma last week. Unfortunately, it was to his final resting place. But "Reverend" Fred Phelps, of Westboro Baptist Church in Topeka, Kansas, did not want this deserving soldier to rest in peace. He and his band of hate mongers, who make a routine practice of protesting soldiers' funerals, saying that the deaths of our soldiers in Iraq are due to our nation's acceptance of homosexuality, were making their way to Chelsea to protest.
Enter the members of American Legion Post 186 of Mulvaney, Kansas. Several bikers from the post made the trip down to Chelsea to protect Doles' family and friends from the hate that Phelps has long made his trademark. As they went, they were joined by other biker groups and veterans until they numbered about 85 in all. They formed themselves around the funeral and revved their engines to drown out the voices of Phelps' crew. Still others waved flags so that Doles' family and friends would be spared the vision of the WBC bunch and their vitriolic signage.
Way to go, vets!