The journey from there to here
Published on October 10, 2005 By Gideon MacLeish In Current Events

Occasionally, in the heat of the moment, we say words we do not mean. We all do it. But it doesn't make them defensible.

And occasionally, in defense of our words, we will continue to defend our actions/words, even when we know that, while our indignance is right, our actions and words may be wrong. We all do it. But it doesn't make it defensible.

In a blog written last Monday, in anger and indignance about a certain blogger's (equally heated) response for our position, I went on to question her respect for the Constitution. Check that. I went on to ACCUSE her of having CLEAR contempt for the Constitution. I went further in implying that because of her husband's profession, she should have a higher level of accountability.

It was irresponsible, unprofessional, and wrong. While I may have opinions about a certain position, those opinions do not translate into fact. And to imply that they do is equally irresponsible, unprofessional, and wrong. In fact, as one who has worked hard to gain US Citizenship, it is quite possible this woman has a GREATER respect for the Constitution than I do.

I am sorry. And I hope this apology will be accepted and that the person will look at the larger picture f who I am and have consistently shown myself to be rather than a number of words irresponsibly spoken in anger.

on Oct 10, 2005
Well you go up a notch in my book; back to good guy status
on Oct 10, 2005

Still, I know the process is tedious and that to become one, a person needs to be well versed in our laws. She deserves MUCH more respect than I gave her in my response.

For the record, I crossposted this to the blog where the offense occured.

on Oct 10, 2005
Honestly, knowing you and the person in question, I don't even think an apology is necessary. We understand how disraught you have to be during this. I can't speak for anyone else, but I think when we presented you with differing opinions, we also gave you a way to express and project your fear and loathing for the situation you were dealing with.

People do that all the time with friends and family, and it is no different online. I hope you just understand why the things that were said were said. People know you, and know how much you care for your kids. I think dharma was trying to express how askew the idea that you would risk provoking CPS was given your previous articles about it.

I wasn't crazy about how she worded it either, but sometimes we say harsh things to make people see themselves more clearly. I think to us, it was like you had been for a year warning of the danger of an oncoming train, and then suddenly stood their and dared one to run over you. For someone like you to do that, as knowledgable as you are, and as much as you care for your kids, a third party MIGHT wonder what more there was to the situtation.

I think that is all she was trying to say, but I don't pretend to be able to speak for her. I hope you can get past your situation there, and that we can all get past it here.
on Oct 10, 2005
Honestly, knowing you and the person in question, I don't even think an apology is necessary.

It may not be necessary, but it IS proper. And as much as I stand on principle, it is the right thing to do, regardless.
on Oct 10, 2005

It may not be necessary, but it IS proper. And as much as I stand on principle, it is the right thing to do, regardless

And shows how great you are as well.

Well Done.

on Oct 10, 2005
Thank you, but it's not necessary. I owe you an apology too....the only reason I got so heated about things, Gid, is because I give a shit about you and yours.

Your apology is accepted, but it wasn't necessary.
on Oct 10, 2005
MM jumps to feet and applauds..... wtg gid,

Of course being as meek and even tempered as I am , I have no idea what it is like to argue or lose my cool.
on Oct 10, 2005
MM jumps to feet, tries to sneek a peek down Dharmas blouse. heh.

wtg D nothing better than for 2 people that obviously like eachother, make-up after a tiff.
on Oct 10, 2005

the only reason I got so heated about things, Gid, is because I give a shit about you and yours.

I do understand that, dharma. And I know that what we are choosing may not be the wisest course of action from a particular standpoint. But sometimes the wisest course of action isn't always the best, if you know what I mean. I accept your apology also, and also find it unnecessary.