The journey from there to here
Published on October 7, 2005 By Gideon MacLeish In Current Events

Well, it's the end of the week and I'm sitting here, a lot of work done and a lot of work to do.

We stayed the course as regards CPS, and asserted our fourth amendment rights. We have heard nothing from them since that point. I assure you that if they had the authority to bash down our door, they'd have certainly done it by now. Noone, but NOONE, likes to be "shown up".

I don't fancy myself a Don Quixote. A more apt description would be a person exercising Teddy Roosevelt's policy of "speak softly and carry a big stick". You see, the US Constitution offers us far more protections than most people realize (more on this later). And it's a mighty big stick to use on government officials who routinely take advantage of our lack of awareness of our rights to wrangle their way around them.

on Oct 07, 2005
I hope someone did blink, and this is not just the quiet before the storm.
on Oct 07, 2005
and this is not just the quiet before the storm

Me too. I'd hate to see you get lulled into a false sense of security because you haven't heard anything from CPS.....I know from experience that just because you don't hear anything doesn't mean that they've backed down.

Keep your guard up, Gid, and know that we're all willing to help out should you need it.
on Oct 07, 2005

I'm not worried, though. They still have to adhere to the rule of law, or face lawsuits themselves. I am certain their lawyers are advising them of that at this very instant.

Please refer to my next article for more information on this, though. I'm not stealing my own