The journey from there to here
Published on October 3, 2005 By Gideon MacLeish In Politics

In the court of JU, I'm a condemned man.

Why? Simply because I stand behind rights that our founding fathers have cherished, and for which countless soldiers have fought and died. The consensus seems to be that I am to open my home to any and everyone who requests it and allow them to filter through everything in order to prove our innocence.

I'm hurt, honestly. Deeply hurt that you would be so quick to judge me, even as I am only standing firm to principles I have espoused consistently in my tenure at JU.

Why were the Bill of Rights implemented? Was it to give criminals a break? No, it was to ensure that the government exercised a consistent standard in investigating and prosecuting crimes. The Bill of Rights exists for all of us.

Would you similarly insist that I submit every word I write to a government agency for scrutiny? Would you insist that I go to a government approved church where the minister's words must fit within the confines of government regulation? I highly doubt you would do either. Why, then, would you insist I allow them to perform an illegal search and seizure?

To answer your question, we DO make certain lifestyle decisions that a government agent with little understanding of the beliefs upon which they are based would look upon disfavorably. But everything we do is well within the confines of the law, and our rights.

I own no guns (but do not oppose them), I do not do drugs (but don't oppose them either), but the reaction of the majority of respondents on this thread is PRECISELY why I am asserting my 4th amendment rights. My steadfast insistence on their remaining intact pisses you off, enough that many of you, if you had the power to do so, would probably deliberately word the contents of a report in such a way as to imply our guilt. I have no reason to assume that a social worker would do any less.

Have none of you studied history enough to remember McCarthyism? People were greatly persecuted by spurious complaints by angry neighbors, and their persecution was greatly enhanced by information obtained through violations of the 4th amendment. It is a principle reason why many of our wiretapping laws are now in place.

I'm sorry that you feel that standing by the Constitution is an illegal and suspicious act. But the Constitution wasn't meant as a haven for the guilty; it was meant as a shelter for the innocent. And it was meant to ensure that the government does its job, and does it fairly and objectively.

If an officer arrives at my home with a warrant, I will allow them in with no protest, no resistance (I will, however, require that they stay within the parameters of the warrant; again, such is my right). I am not out to resist the government, just to ensure its compliance. If I could afford an attorney, they would be doing no less (but I'm assuming the same set that assumes my guilt would assume hiring an attorney to be a sign of guilt as well). The simple fact is, though...a $5,000 retainer might as well be a $5 million retainer at this point. I simply cannot afford it.

Until I can prove myself innocent, however, I guess I remain guilty in your eyes. I'm sorry to see that's the case.

on Oct 03, 2005
No matter what you choose to do gid, run or fight, it's your call to make and I stand behind what you decide to do for you and yours.
on Oct 03, 2005
I don't agree with everything you say or believe, but I certainly don't think any of that makes you a bad parent. I may think you are making bad judgements, but I don't know you, so what do I know? I certainly don't have all the facts, and even if I did, I could not declare you guilty of anything.

But I think it is unwise to come to a forum like this and expect everyone to just agree with you. However, I am not going to battle with a man who believes his family is on the line....not even if he says the sky is green.

Ultimately you sound like a loving father to me. The rest is just gravy as far as I'm concerned.

I really hope things work out for you and yours.

on Oct 03, 2005
Gideon: I'm going to encourage you to look at this dissent in a different way.

The people who have responded do so because they care about you. They are sharing their concern for your situation.

There's no way they can know all the details of your situation, so they are basing their recommendations on what you've shared as well as their personal stances and personal history.

This is a monumental crisis for your family, and you have to weigh your choices carefully, as I know that you are.

You don't want to be surrounded by "yes men"...the people who have responded are just giving you food for thought. Take it as for thought. You know what you feel is right. You know what the stakes are and what you have working for you and working against you. Think about what they've written. In the end, the choices are yours to make.

You have my support, Gideon. I am here to help you in any way I can.
on Oct 03, 2005
Your paranoia troubles me Gideon. How dare you accuse people here of

"many of you, if you had the power to do so, would probably deliberately word the contents of a report in such a way as to imply our guilt"

That is a pig headed and deranged thing to say in the face of what is being written by people who care. I am beginning to wonder if you are bothering to read what is written here. You most certainly don't seem to understand it or the spirit it is written in.

You keep pretending that people here think you are guilty. The fact is, guilt and innocence doesn't enter into the perpsective most people are giving you. We are telling you that it isn't going to be much comfort to be ethically right in an empty house.

I have no problem with people who lie in front of tanks for a cause. I do, however, look gravely on folks who would take their kids with them. You have to wait and see if your belief trumps theirs. Moral, objective "truth" doesn't exist in this or any situation.

CPS doesn't get up in the morning and say "I think I will go violate the Constitution today." You and the CPS folks have a different interpretation. So far, in terms of most Libertarian causes, the safe money isn't on you in terms of how courts will rule. It's a shame the wager is so high.
on Oct 03, 2005


Your paranoia troubles me Gideon. How dare you accuse people here of

Texas Wahine:

Gideon: I'm going to encourage you to look at this dissent in a different way.

The people who have responded do so because they care about you. They are sharing their concern for your situation.

Tex and Baker, I would suggest you catch up on his other threads on this subject.  It is not paranoia, nor is it misconstrued.  He can cut and paste verbatim.  Perhaps it is not widespread, but what he claims has been stated in black and white.  And I find it disturbing that some of us can go from debating a don quixote to questioning guilt just because he wants to fight it and not roll over and play dead.

on Oct 03, 2005

CPS doesn't get up in the morning and say "I think I will go violate the Constitution today."

No, they get up in the morning and say "I am going to do good with good intentions, regardless of the cost".

Different words, same result.

on Oct 03, 2005

I have read the threads, Dr.Guy. I have also spoken to Gideon at length about his situation and many of the details surrounding it.

I'm not judging or condemning him. I offer both my support and any assistance I can provide.
on Oct 03, 2005
I've read all the blogs in question, Dr Guy. The paranoid idea that I or dharma or anyone else would somehow write a report to make him look guilty makes me want to puke.

People question his decision to risk his kids for a moral ideal. For that they are characterized as conspirators or idealistically inferior.
on Oct 03, 2005
You're one of my favorite bloggers.  I don't know what you are referring to (I haven't had time to read the comments) but what you write is usually very insightful.
on Oct 03, 2005

I have read the threads, Dr.Guy. I have also spoken to Gideon at length about his situation and many of the details surrounding it.

I'm not judging or condemning him. I offer both my support and any assistance I can provide.

As I now see.  Thank you.  I will no longer be involved with this civil war.  I think the words are too harsh and the rhetoric even worse.  I appreciate you article and both your parents as well.

on Oct 03, 2005

The paranoid idea that I or dharma or anyone else would somehow write a report to make him look guilty makes me want to puke.

That was never the contention except by Gideon, and I think in the heat of the moment.  I never sugested it.  And as I have already signed off on all other threads, I just wanted to set the record straight with you.  I will not be in it any longer.  I have stated my position.

on Oct 07, 2005


I stand behind most of what I have written here. I wasn't thinking of you when I wrote it, and apologize for not being more clear. I was quite angry at the assumption that defending my constitutional rights was an implication of guilt (which was NOT a statement or inference made by you in ANY post).

I understand the concern shown by many of you, and I appreciate it. Believe me, I do. But I feel this is a fight that must be fought, and if not now, when, and if not by me, by whom? I am strong enough to "weather the storm", so to speak, and it is absolutely crucial that I stand up for the hundreds of thousands in this country who are not.

My allegation that many people on here would deliberately word a report so as to make us look guilty was drawn DIRECTLY from the allegation that I had something to hide; an allegation that DIDN'T initially get a lot of negative reaction. While my reaction may have been strongly worded, it was no less so than the reaction of the person who initiated it.

on Oct 07, 2005
My allegation that many people on here would deliberately word a report so as to make us look guilty was drawn DIRECTLY from the allegation that I had something to hide;

Gid, I'm sorry that you took my asking what you had to hide as an allegation of guilt. I simply asked because that's what CPS would have asked (will ask) when you deny them access to your home. Your reaction was what I thought it would be (and then some).

I'm hurt that you would assume that I would word ANYTHING in such a way as to imply your guilt...and I'm equally hurt that you would think that I would ever report someone to CPS, especially you.

I still stand by my offer of legal assistance. He can't talk to you directly, but he can talk to me and I can pass it on to you.
on Jan 21, 2008