One of history's widely regarded greatest blunders was Neville Chamberlain's policy of appeasement to Hitler's Germany prior to World War 2. He essentially compromised Germany into a position where, had America acted too late, all of Europe could have fallen under the iron fist of the Third Reich.
While it exists on a different level, our encounter with CPS is no different. The actions being taken by CPS are wrong, and our standing upn against them is right. We are standing up against them not only for ourselves, but for every family who has been a victim of CPS injustice.
I have heard a LOT of criticism from certain quarters, asking that I surrender my Constitutional rights simply to appease CPS. I cannot, and WILL NOT do this. It's much bigger than just allowing a caseworker into my home.
Because of our recent move from near homelessness, there's a lot of furniture in our home left to buy. This means that, of necessity, clothing is piled (neatly) in various areas of the house. The caseworker could take one look at the piles and notate "piles of dirty laundry left out in the house" (actual portions of allegations from various CPS reports).
Our children are snackers and sometimes leave their dirty dishes in various places. Unless we give the place the white glove treatment, which is damn difficult when you have kids in tow, the CPS worker can notate "dirty dishes left scattered through the house".
God forbid my wife forget to pick up a dirty diaper or the dog have an accident in the house. And unmade beds? Another common CPS notation.
Now let's get to the child interviewing part. Let's say this caseworker is vehemently opposed to ALL sorts of spanking. They ask, during the interview, "does your dad ever hit you", the kid responds "yes", and BINGO! There's "imminent danger", and the children are gone. We very RARELY spank our children, but we cannot honestly say we've never done so.
I could go on and on, citing REAL cases where CPS has done these sorts of things, but, in fact, I HAVE gone on and on and my comments were largely ignored, despite the fact that I pretty heavily supported my assertions.
For you Republicans out there who still don't understand why I don't give CPS carte blanche to go through my house, let me ask why you don't believe in gun registration. Innocent people have nothing to hide, right?
The fact is, the Constitution STILL stands behind me, no matter what CPS says. And if I have to prepare my own briefs and appeal my case to every level of appellate court, I will do it. Chances are, I won't have to get past the Circuit Court of Appeals.
If they show up at my door with a search warrant, I will let them in but stipulate that they are ONLY allowed to search within the confines of the warrant...NOTHING MORE. I DO have that RIGHT, after all.
The fact is, if CPS wants my children, they are going to get them. They are, unfortunately, under a quota system in the state of Texas right now. Whether they get them permanently or temporarily may well depend on the actions I take here and now.
I have spoken with several lawyers. EVERY one of them has advised me that I am WELL within my LEGAL rights to refuse them entrance without a warrant. And that is what I will continue to do.