Ok, now I'm not only irresponsible, but isolationist and counterproductive.
Add "pissed off" to that list of character traits.
You see, our founding fathers greatly valued the rights of the individual, and wrote the constitution (hypothetically) around the preservation of those rights. Sadly, too many Americans want to strip away those rights based on what THEY feel is important.
Not everyone in this country qualifies for a $40,000 a year job. In fact, much of our country's labor is provided by individuals who make less. Teachers, firefighters, and police officers are among the extremely valuable professions where entry level wages often start below $35,000. Our military, and state level politicians in some states also make wages that aren't high above that threshold.
And yet, there are those who would devalue, belittle and criticize Americans who try to make do on less, regardless of the contributions those Americans make to the economy. If I ever have a loved one in a nursing home, I am going to be grateful for the $8-10/hour CNA who renders quality care regardless of the size of the paycheck.
And I would never, EVER assume that ANY of those individuals is UNFIT to parent their children, or that the steps they are taking to try to live within their means are "isolationist and counterproductive". Heck, I live in a county where the median household income is about $22,000...according to some of these individuals, the government should just go door to door through the poorer sections of town here and strip children from the arms of their loing parents...so much for democracy, eh?
We give a lot of lip service in our schools to catchphrases such as "tolerance" and "diversity". The state of Texas even requires the public school students be taught good citizenship. How can one be a good citizen when they are making value judgements on another person's lifestyle with very little knowledge of the individual? How can we claim to be tolerant or respect diversity when we turn our noses up at an entire class of people, many of whom are VERY hardworking (Don't think so? YOU take over the factory worker's job for the night)?
Your rights end at my property line, mister, and I'd thank you to let me live my life as I see fit this side of it.