The journey from there to here

In the latest teacher grousing article, it was stated that no other profession demands you use your own resources and do so much with so little.

Oh, yeah?

I want to point out one profession that is so demeaned in our society it is not even considered a profession. In fact, one blogger even went so far as to categorize these professionals as "irresponsible". And, since I am not a practitioner of that profession, it's not a pity party.

That profession is, quite simply, the stay at home mom.

Don't think stay at home mom is a profession? Well, do you think that a laundry service is a profession? How about a maid service? How about a bill paying and transportation service? And finally, how about a TEACHER?

I know many stay at home mothers that perform all of these functions. And guess what? the money for supplies comes out of their OWN pockets, with no income save that which is shared by their (hopefully appreciative) husbands.

So the next time you want to blog about how "bad" you have it, take another look. And if you think teaching's such a bad profession, maybe YOU need to rethink your career. Our children do NOT need to be educated by such self indulgent, unappreciative whiners.

on Sep 22, 2005
You Tell 'Em Gid!!

There is NO greater profession than the Stay At Home Mother!!

True, there are situations where mothers have to work outside the home... but to decide to do so is to accept a less important carreer.
on Sep 22, 2005
Stay-at-home *cough* parent *cough*.

Still for all the furor on the other blogs, it is much easier to drag yourself out of bed in the morning to care for kids that you love, than it is dozens of other people's kids. There's no excuse for people who program our computers to make so much more on average than the people who program our children.
on Sep 22, 2005
*clap* *clap* *clap*

You got right, there Gideon!

My wife and I made a decision almost 11 years ago. She felt it was her place to stay home and raise our children. It has been a struggle at times, but it has been well worth it.

She's one of the hardest working people that I know. It drives me nuts sometimes. Looking at the 4 children, and how well they're turning out, I do not regret that decision, at all. Neither does she.

Three cheers for the SAHM!!!!
on Sep 23, 2005
Absolutely right!