The journey from there to here

I admit to a certain degree of "creative liberties" with my resume, but never to the point of implying qualifications for a job I couldn't handle. The fact is, I ask myself what job skills a job requires, and have I done substantially similar work to what I would be required to do on that job? Then, I cater my job description to the set of job skills required.

That being said, here are a few job descriptions I DON'T use, but are not entirely wrong:

(Paper Carrier):

Media Distribution Specialist: Responsible for daily distribution of print media to 400 outlets. Maintained financial records, handled customer service issues and coordinated contacts with various clientele.


Sanitary Operations Technician: Propelled dust extraction device across floor repeatedly, maintained integrity of waste disposal equipment and monitored and purchased inventory of equipment to achieve same.

(Fry Cook):

Bovine incineration specialist: Responsible for processing of 2000 4-ounce pieces of animal flesh per day for public consumption.


Customer Service Specialist: Relayed and processed individual client requests for various items.

Got more? (or better; these ideas were funnier on the road last night). Put 'em here!

on Sep 21, 2005
Hahahaha...I got in trouble in high school (for something completely BS, but that's another story) and I had to do community service.

I listed it, without providing the true context, on my scholarship applications and made it sound like something very altruistic and involved. Hahaha, but I got my scholarships!
on Sep 21, 2005
Grass cutter:

Botanical Service Specialist - responsible for the maintenance and uptake of over 10,000 living plants of various species. Maintained levels of chemical nutrients and dihydroxides (fertilized and watered). Cleaned and maintained rotary machinery in association with the job, and trained others in their use and upkeep.

Gas station clerk:

Petroleum Distribution Liason - maintained service relations between the corporate level, and numerous end use clients. Responsible for providing service adjustments to both industrial, and retail consumers. Trained in the processing and distribution of hazardous materials (like alcohol, cigarettes, and petroleum) Also oversaw sales distribution for investment in mass wealth distribution plans. (sold lottery tickets)


Botanical cellulose adjustment specialist - Responsible for expertise in adhesion processes for processed botanical cellulose structures. (for example, nailing two boards together) Knowledgable in various means of cellulose dimensional adjustment (sawing off the ends) and various cellulose adjustment mechanisms. Also trained in pneumatic adhesion systems (nail gun)
on Sep 21, 2005
Skip this comment and proceed to next 1 esp. if german minor - LAZY BUM BROKE (remember 0x0can increase to 0)BY HIS OWN FAULT DREAMING TO BE A PLAYBOY:

Prof. Dr. med. WHO CARES - Chief Management Executive of A Company - serving you at our best as long as any 1 has known to care
CV_after studying and earning titles mentioned added 10 years of practical experience so successful in a hospital later his own specializing in cancer treatment Image Hosted by

he then was surprised by on offer so much better rewarded that he completely changed his metier to PR and managed to enable numerous vacancies offering new jobs in his today group of companies, to females not underpaid at all as well and now hosts 3,000 employees supporting 125 countries customers till this very day

Image Hosted by ImageShack.usreaching an amount of income hard to count and still increasing!

Glad Texas Wahine is back and laughing and appreciate her contribution to our community and country in a serious way, not above way.

on Sep 21, 2005

Dude, hate to be the censor, but that picture's way not appropriate off of an adults only thread.
on Sep 21, 2005
And p.s. can you get me her phone number?
on Sep 22, 2005

Dude, hate to be the censor, but that picture's way not appropriate off of an adults only thread.
Dude, hate to be the censor, but that picture's way not appropriate off of an adults only thread. channeling Cooley today, SPC?

I'll leave it...I know where I can head for a cheap porn fix



on Sep 22, 2005
Had a bad conscious anyway, sorry, might as well remove whole thing incl. this, would not take it personally. One day they spammed up my phone with it, well recycle it somewhere better. For copyright reasons did not even want to releas clock I made of it, just a temp joke Playboy and vodafone were not really entitled to stick in my phone. Her number is inside the U.S. dial

0 8 0 0 - S T O P C O M M E N T I N G - O - N B A I L E Y - T H R E A D S !

. Lets not even discuss the bailey topic either, just did not want to say that on his thread. Have a good oneClean this up anytime, u dont deserve this junk I admit, meant non ironically - and main thing, keep up with your own contributions on Gideon's neat topic here!
on Mar 18, 2006

Hahahaha...I got in trouble in high school (for something completely BS, but that's another story) and I had to do community service.

Just revisited this thread...I can't IMAGINE getting into trouble for something BS at YOUR high school (damn, I need that sarcasm font here!)