The journey from there to here
Published on September 7, 2005 By Gideon MacLeish In Current Events

In my community, there's a strong feeling of fear regarding taking in refugees. Moderateman's article on his homeowner's association indicates that the feeling may not be limited to sections of the Texas panhandle.

And what drives this fear, you might ask? To a person, every individual in our community has cited the concern of "looting" as the reason that they don't want OUR family taking in refugees (I could tell them how ridiculous this is, as looters weren't looting private residences, or how most NO residents WEREN'T looting, but it would do no good). I have to wonder: could it have been continual news media feeds that fed this misconception of these families who are desperaately seeking homes?

In their attempts to sensationalize the plight of the refugees, those that work prominently in the national broadcast news media may have inadvertently done more harm than good. Now the perception of the refugees is one of desperate criminals looking for new towns to sack and pillage. And the fear that many feel, while misguided, is at least understandable.

While the public trust in the media to relay all of their information is a sign of rampant gullibility, it is nonetheless a fact that responsible members of the media must learn to accept and consider when preparing their pieces. And maybe, just maybe, the news video feeds on looting could be balanced with feeds on refugees just like you and I that are simply looking to rebuild their lives.

I am sickened by the sight of refugees on cots in makeshift shelters while beds lie made and waiting in my house for these individuals. And the media footage on the looters only made our quest to bring in a family that much harder.

on Sep 07, 2005
I think you are correct.  The media, doing its job of showing how bad things are, gave the impression that all the refugees were a bunch of animals.
on Sep 07, 2005
I agree for the most part. I have to say, though, if I were homeless for an uncertain amount of time, I don't think I would prefer living with someone over a shelter. It's hard enough for a short time, but a lot of these people simply have no where to go... ever.

I know people think "Well, their neighborhoods will get cleaned up and insurance will pay for their houses", but the fact is, many of these people rented low-income housing that won't be rebuilt... at all. When the owners of these shotgun shacks get their check, they are just going to sell off the lots and keep the extra.

That said, how long do you put them up? I think I, as a refugee, would have to have a gameplan before I moved in with someone. It would be too hard not knowing whether I am going to be there for a month or a year.
on Sep 07, 2005
Some of us have more than one residence.  Albeit one rental and one owned.  SO I am not looking at 'living with'.
on Sep 07, 2005
Preciate the attitude you display in your post, Gideon MacLeish. Your cot helps more than the media or even the state can always help even if they are willing. So maybe in the U. S. why get too excited about these reports. Some fugitives are just born wrong geographically. Yet that is definately not just Northern Americas fault, no matter who the government is, which can have some impact. In some other countries the media are just as biased, but there are just 2 ways of looking at it, a not so poor individual holding on to his life and assets against intruders, as he thinks, and the underdog fugitive up sh.. creek also not admitting he is not always that bad off either, depending on whos talking. Some combine federal benefits we dont get ourselves (for instance, East/West Germany those days) with moonlighting on the side and hedging profit value back to a poor country where a few bucks are worth a fortune. Not good either, would probably do that myself in that situation.
But the talkshows etc... what they say cant be all of it (theory and a lot of show)
on Sep 07, 2005
'allo, Gid, how's things?

We've taken a lot of evacuees here in small-town Arkansas, and I have to say, we're getting along fabulously. I don't know if I agree with "the media" (it's a rather LARGE collective noun, yes?) hurting them, but I will say that none of them have acted like desperate criminals in my time working the shelters.

I think there are plenty of media outlets that have portrayed the evacuees as something other than desperate criminals. We tend to judge people by their actions here in Arkansas, not by their press. I hope it continues that way.
on Sep 07, 2005
let you win the American Dream sweepstakes and you'll be a Republican with the rest of them -- you don't care anything for the poor
on Sep 08, 2005
"you don't care anything for the poor"

How did you get that out of his article? It seems he's concerned that the evacuees are getting a bum rap because of the looting in LA. That being said, it's quite a gamble to bring into your house strangers to live with you; you never know what's going to happen that first time you go to sleep.

on Sep 09, 2005
I had to delete my article gid, because it was causeing me stress and major headaches.

I have never been so ashamed to be a "have" and to see all the bountry that folks in my community have and not share.

on Sep 09, 2005
I know Omaha NE, was going to take in some 500 Evacuees, but then changed their minds about it and are no longer going to do so. I haven't seen an explanation why though.

I don't think it's so much the media giving them a bad rep though, as it would be more the case of "one rotten apple ruins the barrel" Like the idiots taking the Plasma sets and other water damaged stuff that they have no use for. I couldn't fault a family taking what they needed though.
on Sep 09, 2005
In the meantime we see clips of people being forced away from their pets and I feel sorry for the soldiers, too. None of their fault. Mom says comparative things happened quite often and they are changing laws sort of forcing handicapped or minorities to live there. Assume some of this is true. Glad Arkansas also takes some refugees. In long term thinking, more than 1 government seems to be liable, especially in the future, to avoid this. Switzerlands flood insurance hedges between cantons which is now copied by Austria. We got a lot more coming. Do feel sorry for so many people now. Must be complicated to coordinate so many measures fast to just one geographic place. We also wonder why charity organisations just send off planes without knowing whether they can land at the right time + place. Its a big thing. Glad you are all thinking about it.
on Sep 10, 2005

let you win the American Dream sweepstakes and you'll be a Republican with the rest of them -- you don't care anything for the poor

Yeah, that'd be why I want to see tax laws changed so that we would be legally allowed to redistribute our wealth with those we see fit to do so without being taxed at every level...that'd be why every business we've ever had has been structured with the stipulation that if our income ever exceeds the median annual income, 100% of the excess would be given to various charitable organizations...That is why in our quest to bring in refugees, we REFUSE rent for the physical occupation of our premises.

Yup, don't care nothin' for the poor, that's me. Just a mean ol' oppressive pig!

Good call, myrr (rolls eyes!)

on Sep 11, 2005

Yup, don't care nothin' for the poor, that's me. Just a mean ol' oppressive pig!
Good call, myrr (rolls eyes!)

No, just send oxygen.  He needs it.