The journey from there to here

As Shasta Groene begins what will likely be a lifetime of recovery from the ordeal that she recently endured, it bears mentioning that the policies of American liberals are largely to blame for her situation. Yes, in the spirit of fairness it does bear mentioning that the conservative push to lock potheads away for life while more serious offenders get released doesn't help, but by and large, responsibility for this horrendous tragedy should fall upon the American left.

You see, for years, large contingents among the left have clamoured for more lenient sentencing for criminals. When a number of states proposed (and in some cases, even enacted) laws designed to keep sexual predators behind bars beyond their sentencing term when appropriate, this contingent was loud and consistent in its insistence that such sentencing was cruel and unusual. While this contingent may have been among the minority, those who remained silent during this idiocy bear the blame for their complacency. And as states pushed for truth in sentencing laws, who was there to lead the push to allow the parole system to remain? Yup, you got it...JoeLib. Finally, who has led the assault against the rights of Americans to bear arms, which may have prevented this whole thing from happening in the first place? Everyone, repeat after me, in unison...THE LIBS.

The perpetrator of this horrendous crime was not unknown to the system. He was a known and convicted sex offender who had been released. Because he was released, four people died, and the fifth will relive the hell this man put her through regularly for the rest of her life. We should ALL be ashamed for allowing this to happen.

on Jul 06, 2005

ModMan?  Is that you? 


Gid....I usually agree with a fair bit of what you say, but I can't agree with this.  Sorry.

on Jul 06, 2005
Does this also include Governor (then) George W. Bush releasing more criminals under his administration in Texas on parole. Uhmmmmm, not a liberal here.

Could you provide some statistics to back up your theory? Would be helpful instead of allegations....
on Jul 06, 2005
I both agree and disagree. We are creatures of free will, and only we have to answer for our crimes.


If you own a dog that has bitten people over and over, and release it into the neighboorhood, then you have to accept some responsibility for the bite.

People fight for the rights of these monsters. Every time there is a talk show about it, they have some devil's advocate sitting there crying because they have "paid their debt" and shouldn't be punished by a lifetime of suspicion.

This guy went free, after being jailed for 14 years for victimizing a kid, after AGAIN being accused of victimizing a another kid. The cost was a measly 15K. You can put the direct accountability on him, but a great deal of responsiblity should be laid on the prosecutor and judge.

The responsibllity trickles down until you even get to us, the bored public. It is blind, though, to pretend that Liberalism in America hasn't worked tirelessly for decades to protect people like this guy.

I have no doubt that there will be plenty of "First they came for the pedophiles" garbage and constitution waving. Me, I don't give a damn. I firmly believe that certain crimes disqualify you from enjoying any rights at all. It's hard for me to see how people who oppose me in this aren't contributing to crimes like this, since they are fighting for the freedom of such filth.
on Jul 06, 2005
Gid: RESPECTFULLY, don't you think the Libertarian party has had a role in this too? I haven't looked into it enough to be sure, but you have to admit the Libertarian party generally isn't out there stumping for tougher laws and stiffer sentences...
on Jul 06, 2005
#1 by dharmagrl
Wednesday, July 06, 2005

ModMan? Is that you?

on Jul 06, 2005
Again, I just want to say that my jab about the Libertarian party isn't spiteful, Gid. I just thought maybe it should be noted that they do often side with the ACLU on these issues.

For instance, didn't the LP oppose Megan's Law? The law that allowed me to know there is a pedophile living a couple of streets over?

Not a jab at you. I just go to Libertarian party sites and they don't seem to resemble your writing in the least. I would believe the LP to be as much my enemy in this case as the ACLU. Wasn't there a pedophile Libertarian candidate in California, even?
on Jul 06, 2005

Does this also include Governor (then) George W. Bush releasing more criminals under his administration in Texas on parole. Uhmmmmm, not a liberal here.

make up your mind.  Did he kill more, or release more.  You guys are so predictable.