The journey from there to here
Published on June 30, 2005 By Gideon MacLeish In Home & Family

I arrived home the other day, to find that, as my wife had her back turned, our ten month old son had quietly slipped the confines of his diaper, and was hanging in the breeze.

It should have been a moment of laughter, perhaps even a Kodak moment to embarass him with on the first date. But I definitely know better than to snap a picture (I know families who have had their children removed forever and had the brand of "sex offender" permanently stamped upon them for just such innocent snapshots), and my first response was fear. I was mortified, and terrorstruck as I considered that certain townsfolk who are essentially keeping files on us and everyone else with whom they disagree, might have seen the incident. As I was unable to make the mad dash across the yard to make the necessary corrections, I honked and pointed it out to my wife.

And then I thought, how sad is that?

How sad is it that innocence is forever lost in our quest towards a nanny state? How sad is it that a moment that should have been humourous, and WOULD have been so in another world not so long ago must be treated with horror and fear? And how sad is it that we must be ever mindful of our actions the minute we step outside our door (and even if we leave our curtains open...another sad fact is that someone's not considered a "peeping Tom" anymore if they have something to report)?

The more I live in this world, the more I almost wish I didn't. Fear, hate, and suspicion are our prevailing mindsets, even as we superficially clamour for love, peace, and acceptance. But I suppose, I can't change it so I might as well blog about it.

on Jun 30, 2005
Hey Gideon, you may not want to do this, and I understand if you don't, but I'd be really interested to know who's giving you grief. I'm sure there's nothing I can do about it, but if I know them, maybe I can give you some insight about them.

My email is brandie0121 at yahoo dot com.
on Jun 30, 2005
I remember when my oldest was 4 and her cousin was 5 (she and a he).  We gave them a bath together and took a picture because of their antics! (Mr. Bubble time).  You are right.  I shudder to think what would happen today if we did that.  It truly is scary.
on Jun 30, 2005
My favorite response to that kind of overreach was Kurt Cobain's comment when they tried to censor the infamous picture on the cover of "Nevermind". The execs wanted to airbrush out the baby's winkie, Kurt wanted to put a label over it that said "If this offends you, you must be a pedophile"
on Jun 30, 2005
I laughed at the beginning of your story, visualizing the cute baby with taking his pampers off...cause mine has done that sooo many times and it was always good for a laugh! Bu then I got sad reading more and I felt your angst and I'm sorry that you're going through such a rough time becuase of some lame-ass person out there in your world who has nothing better to do! It sucks and it's totaly unfair.

I do see your point and commiserate with you on the loss that has fallen upon our world because of the perverts and too-goody shoe people out there. Sad indeed. (and that's the second time today I'm ending a comment with that phrase!) how sad.....!
on Jul 03, 2005