As the push for gay marriage continues in this country, I find it odd that most of the proponents have not realized what the left MUST do if it wishes to have gay marriage legal and acceptable for its citizens. They MUST leave the left.
You see, in the best way I can describe it in my way of thinking, the left "done f*&^ed up". And it's not a recent thing.
I won't go back as far as the Scopes Trial illustrated the left's war against the right, because, truth be told, most Christians are over it. Most Christians, if asked honestly, accept evolution on some level as the theory has been more widely examined and observed.
But over the last 35-40 years, the left has given no quarter to the Christian right. When they obtained a key court victory banning prayer in schools, it wasn't enough. When they had public nativity scenes removed, it wasn't enough. When they had displays featuring the ten commandments removed from public property, it wasn't enough (never mind that, if current SCOTUS opinion holds, most state capitols, and indeed, the Supreme Court building itself, will need to spend millions removing priceless works of art because of their religious nature while still maintaining the artistic integrity of the buildings themselves). As many of my liberal atheist friends make it abundantly clear, it will not be enough until any public display of faith is treated with the same horror as an artist's depiction of a rape scene on the side of a car.
The problem with this is, like it or not, the majority of Americans are Christian or practice some sort of judeo-Christian faith, even if it is a bastardized form, and the idea of stifling their expression is increasingly appalling. They lack the power and clout to fight the infringement of their liberties to the highest court in the land, and they strike back any way they can.
And the gay community has given them a hell of a target. By making their cause a "leftist" cause (rather than a "liberty" cause, a far more appropriate form), they have put themselves in the position to be the target of nearly 40 years of anger and backlash from the conservative Christian community that has a right to feel offended (the first amendment does protect freedom of religion as well). And just as the left has given no quarter to the right, the right will not give quarter to a leftist cause either.
Whether you agree or disagree with the religious right in this country, our freedom of speech and freedom of religion are concepts that are very near and very dear to our constitution. And we have the same right to freedom to live our lives as we see fit as do any other group within this country. The actions by some of my colleagues within the religious right are not actions I would have chosen, but they ARE actions I support, even as I encourage otherwise in the light of the innumerable words of Christ teaching a better way. If the gay marriage advocates wish the conservative community to see their point of view, they need to remove themselves from the political left that has determined to wage war against Christianity at any cost. Otherwise, they will always be the enemy.