Well, my job as "media distribution specialist" (that's "paper carrier" in laymen's terms) is doing OK. I'm making enough money to pay the bills, but we're finding ourselves needing to get extra to buy a better car. And so, a job hunting we go.
My wife's looking at a job in the local Baptist church nursery, 4 1/2 hours a week and $8 an hour. The application, though, is grueling...it's about 8 pages long and asks for EVERYTHING...kind of overkill for $36 a week in a community of 500 if you ask me, but hey...I at least understand the principle. Because the application process is so involved, though, my guess is that she'll probably get it (nobody else would want to fill out the app!). And that leaves me, needing a disposable job that lets me off before I have to pick up the papers at 2:00 PM (I'm still convinced I can eventually make it as a writer, go figure!)
So, let's see...disposable job....lets go before 2:00 PM...gotcha!
And so, I proceed, pen in hand, to the local megachain fast food restaurant. I fill out the simplest application I've ever filled out, and, after a 5 minute "interview", I'm in...orientation's tonight.
It's kinda weird, going "back to the beginning" like this, but it'll probably give me some serious material...stay tuned!