The journey from there to here
Published on June 16, 2005 By Gideon MacLeish In Politics

Bigotry is a bias against a person based on prejudiced stereoptypes, right?

And prejudice is forming an opinion based on preconceived notions, right?

Now those may be pretty glib definitions, but they basically hit the point. So, when someone automatically dismisses Americans as "ignorant", "arrogant" or "imperialistic", that would be a bigoted statement, right?

Or when someone expresses their hatred for fundamentalists of any faith...again, bigoted...would you not agree?

Why is it right for a black man to be upset when someone says "I hate niggers", but not reasonable for a fundamentalist Christian to take umbrage with the statement that "I hate fundamentalist Christians"? Both statements imply that a person is unable to get past their superficial analyses of an individual and see them for who they are. Both statements imply narrowmindedness and hatred that destroy, rather than build us as a country. But the racist is usually unapologetically racist, and DOESN'T call for openness and tolerance. Not so the left.

We're supposed to tolerate every race, culture and sexual deviancy. But we're not supposed to tolerate the religious faiths of others? Come again, Mr. Freedom?

Liberation theology teaches that none of us are free unless the least of us are free. And among liberal Christians, liberation theology is a widely held view. So how can we all be free if the liberation theologian hates us for who we are?

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on Jun 16, 2005
Bigotry is a bias against a person based on prejudiced stereoptypes, right?

And prejudice is forming an opinion based on preconceived notions, right?

The same could be said of the right.

on Jun 16, 2005

The same could be said of the right.

True.  Any generalization always has exceptions.  But as they say "look for the bigot label", and in this case, it is the left doing it the most.

on Jun 16, 2005
"We're supposed to tolerate every race, culture and sexual deviancy. But we're not supposed to tolerate the religious faiths of others? Come again, Mr. Freedom?"

I have a friend who pointed out the main problem of the "diversity" stuff we seem to be all about these days. He said that to be truly "diverse" you had to be able to accept that everyone has different views, but that you had to agree with those views and think the same way as literally everyone else, which is impossible, of course, given the vast diversity of ideas.
on Jun 16, 2005
I don't believe you have to agree with those views that are "diverse" or radicaaly different than yours.

I think what it comes down to is your reaction to those views. Look at the relationship between general Catholics and Jews. There is a tolerance and understanding between the two, even though there is a fundamental difference. Then think back to the Inquisition.

It is the reaction to the different view that is important.

on Jun 16, 2005
"So, when someone automatically dismisses Americans as "ignorant", "arrogant" or "imperialistic", that would be a bigoted statement, right?"
Legally speaking, the charges of bigotry or slander cannot get convictions if the suspect vocabulary is marinated in the truth. Truth is an ultimate defence in bigotry or slander charges.
Americans in general* are very ignorant to other cultures and customs. The way they think they can impose their own policies on far off nations underlies that. And we all know the US has a major problem with racism towards the 'haji's' or the 'ragheads' in their midst. If you don't believe that then explain why a white guy with a blood-covered chainsaw and blood all over himself and looking like a bug-eyed crackhead (check his photo) was allowed into the US with no problems, passing through customs with no hassle. Crazy. Honestly, do you think the guy would have been detained had he been of middle eastern origin? Course not.
Arrogant is valid, hence the US trying to impose it's will on all nations on the planet. Arrogance is seen in the veto's the US leads the UN in. Arrogance is seen in the way the US forces regime changes which are more favorable for the US. Think about it. What if another nation tried to impose a regime change on the US? That's under the ignorant section because American's are far too stupid, overall, to put the shoe on the other foot. To think about what it would be like if China or Russia invaded the US or demanded regime change with force? Think about it.
on Jun 16, 2005
If you don't believe that then explain why a white guy with a blood-covered chainsaw and blood all over himself and looking like a bug-eyed crackhead (check his photo) was allowed into the US with no problems, passing through customs with no hassle.

What the hell are you talking about?

Arrogance is seen in the way the US forces regime changes which are more favorable for the US.

And so has every other major power on Earth from ancient times to the present. That's the way it goes, of the jungle. not fair, but that's the way it is.

What if another nation tried to impose a regime change on the US?

Hm. Let's see....Great Britain (1812) the Confederacy (1861-65) Spain (1898), Germany (1917-18, 1941-45), the USSR (1945-91)...That's about it.
on Jun 16, 2005
the Confederacy (1861-65)

Actually the argument could be made that the Confederacy started out as a regime lessening than a change. Althought it eventually tried a regime change.


on Jun 16, 2005

It is the reaction to the different view that is important.

That gets you an insightful!  And yes that is the key.  So why is the left leadership so intollerant of those they do not agree with?

on Jun 16, 2005
So why is the left leadership so intollerant of those they do not agree with?

I think it's for the same reason we are....because they just don't understand it.
Although the right is more likely to go with the "live and let live" ideal than the left has shown of itself.
on Jun 16, 2005

Actually the argument could be made that the Confederacy started out as a regime lessening than a change. Althought it eventually tried a regime change.

No you are right in the first part, not in the second.  They wanted to secede.  Lincoln would not let them.  Hence the war.  They never wanted to subvert the north, only to continue with their way.  And in no case did they try a regime change.

The south had enough problems, like they wanted the problems from the nothern states?

on Jun 16, 2005
So why is the left leadership so intollerant of those they do not agree with?

Some of the leadership true, but have you heard Chenney at times, especially about opponents to Bush's programs?

Thats why I was sorry to see Powell go. Rice seems too much of a "yes"-person.

Also, the left has seen what can happen if people are not watchful. And in (some of the more left) attempt not to give ground have gone a little overboard.

on Jun 16, 2005
And in no case did they try a regime change.

Well, some people in Pennsylvania might disagree with you, but I wonder what would have happened to the Union if Pickett's charge had succeeded and Lee crossed into Washington.

on Jun 16, 2005

Some of the leadership true, but have you heard Chenney at times, especially about opponents to Bush's programs?

Thats why I was sorry to see Powell go. Rice seems too much of a "yes"-person.

Also, the left has seen what can happen if people are not watchful. And in (some of the more left) attempt not to give ground have gone a little overboard.

Excuse me.  I have heard some off the cuff remarks Cheney made.  I have not heard anything like what the left leadership states in speeches from Cheney in official speeches.

I can say WTF to a statement with out going before an audience and saying FU.

learn the difference. It will help.

on Jun 16, 2005

Well, some people in Pennsylvania might disagree with you, but I wonder what would have happened to the Union if Pickett's charge had succeeded and Lee crossed into Washington.

That was going for the jugular to end the war.  You know the dates, now learn the reasons why.

If they had suceeded, the war would have been over and these US states would have been 2 not one.  Lee never looked to conquer the north, only to bring the war to them so that they would sue for peace.

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